import "std.zh"
int ewbrangsprite = 100; //Replace that number with sprite ID.
global script EW_Brang{
void run(){
for(int count = 1; count <= Screen->NumEWeapons(); count++){
eweapon test = Screen->LoadEWeapon(count);
if(test->ID == 131) test->UseSprite(ewbrangsprite);
Have you gotten sick of those Goriyas using the same boomerang Link has by default? Well this script replaces that sprite with a custom one you choose.
To implement it. You first need to make the sprite, write down the ID of the sprite. And replace the number 100 in line 2 with the ID of whatever sprite you want to use for the EW_Brang.
Thanks to Joe123 for helping me figure out the method of going by doing this.