There are some kinds of Zelda Classic players who are willing to follow the immediate plot, perhaps even to the ends of the earth, without being given even a scrap of equipment. But many people are quite miffed if they don't get their hands on a sword within four screens of starting out. And that's quite understandable - a sword appears on the title screen, after all. It's advertised content.

But, it is a part of the prelude that Link pursues and confronts his first sword's absconders, and in doing so becomes involved in the greater conflict against the approaching chaos.

Fortunately, if one chooses, they can exclude the prelude altogether. I have provided a way to get a sword within four screens of the start!

But... it costs 45 rupees!

Of course, if they could just walk up and take it, then nobody would bother following the plot at all.

Ah... but surely in order to get 45 rupees you need to hunt assorted vermin for three-quarters of an hour? I want that sword now!

Fortunately, I have also provided a way to get 45 rupees within four screens of the start! And I didn't just hide it under the 23rd bush, either.

A completely legitimate business.

Such wealth! But is it really worth starting the adventure with only... two hearts?! And can you even trust this fellow?

But, with this much money, you could afford everything in that shop! You'd be able to start your adventure with a shield and a fishing line, not to mention a genuine sword that fires genuine sword beams. It's quite a temptation.