After a month and 13 days, I both have people recruited for the dungeons, have made my title screen, have the first dungeon made and the second in-progress, and have bumped all the way up to Beta version 798. We are constantly up to the latest version(or at least I am- I check shardstorm every day), and have enough people. If you can send a test quest to me of your best work, then, depending on how much I like the dungeon, you will or will not get a spot for maybe 1 ~ 2 dungeons, it depends. Amaster is doing around 3 dungeons, then Master Maniac has second dibs and is a much more seasoned ZC user, which basically may leave you with the rest. Depends on how this plays out.

Oh, and Master Maniac, I would also like it if you sent me a demo of your best work. I would like to see if your designing fits in with Amaster's.