Currently I'm working on a small project, its just a custom boss. I'm trying to show people what ZC will look like when pushed at its limits', but also keep it fun and enjoyable.
Here are the details on the boss.


So far, I have one script completed.
Here is the main post:

Content inside quest:
-Opening dialog, colored text.
-Voice acting for dialog converstaion.
-Theme music which is synchronized with conversation.
-All custom sprites for boss.
-Custom boss has spell casting animation/SFX.
-Difficult boss, read description in the forum threads listed above.

One scripter such as Joe123 is just not enough for this little project, if anyone would like to help by donating a script or two, I'd be much obliged! :)
So far, the quest is 90% complete, I just need to have the scripts and compile them into it.
All credits will be given.