its ok to be a n00b XD i was one once...

ok so to load scripts. first it depends on what kind you have. if you found ZASM, then go to tools>scripts>import (whichever type, global FFC oritem) ASM script.

then it should be loaded.

for ZScript go to tools>scripts>Compile Zscript

but before you do all that, save both scripts on notepad in the SAME FILE.
when you save it click "save as" and NOT "save".

type the name of your file and instead of the text document file extension (.txt) you are going to save it as a .z document. (.z) and before you click save hit the drop down box and click save as all filetypes.

now youre ready to load it to Zquest.

if you tried to import them seprately, it would be an epic fail because the buffer can only load one document, and once another is loaded, the previous one is erased, rendering the script it belonged to useless.

if you have questions dont hesitate to ask =)

lol revfan beat me to it :p