So has anyone else tried this mission yet? You know, the on where the new guy comes in, casts mind control over the old king and ursurps the kingdom, then moves in all his own henchmen?
Any ideas how to beat this guy?
So has anyone else tried this mission yet? You know, the on where the new guy comes in, casts mind control over the old king and ursurps the kingdom, then moves in all his own henchmen?
Any ideas how to beat this guy?
I heard that you could try to flood the king/new guy with replies from all his enemies at once.
Click here to level up my card!
"Everybody's doing it... I just wanted to be popular."
Bender- Futurama
not really... it could take a lot of skill...
and a lot of power too.
... i just died a little inside...
"this time, of this sixteenth of a thousand lives will be my last, and this curse will be broken. though my fate is to burn in hell, it is worse to live among the thousand lifetimes that i have been sentenced to, than it would be to have satan tear the flesh from my body repeatedly for an eternity"
--Andross Maximillion Remedy
(otherwise known as Rem)
Ugh it's so pathetic.
D'yu think he was allowed to do this or just hacked the site again?
I heard that only the GM can beat the mission. Something about having the masamune.
invincible - "Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and everyone thinks that theirs is the only one that doesn't stink."
Elihu Burritt - "Forming characters! Whose? Our own or others? Both. And in that momentous fact lies the peril and responsibility of our existence."
2008 Record (final): 84-78: NL West Champs
You'd need to somehow surround the king with the blood of 50 virgins and read a verse from the necronomicon, which verse though, I do not remember.
You earn 5,000 XP and a Masamune for completing this quest though.
Don't worry. The, er... "Opposite-of-Light" Dragon just logged in and everything will be taken care of... unless he is in this joke too. ^_^
My quests:
End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
Ahh, see all this time I figured that it was the blood of 50 decidedly feminine men. I'll start over then.
invincible - "Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and everyone thinks that theirs is the only one that doesn't stink."
Elihu Burritt - "Forming characters! Whose? Our own or others? Both. And in that momentous fact lies the peril and responsibility of our existence."
2008 Record (final): 84-78: NL West Champs
Indeed, but where else can we find a Masamune, and how to wield it?
For that matter, who here's good at mind control?
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