Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
I'm having dejavu here.

The Wall Masters thing is an NES consistancy issue, so It most likely won't be addressed untill after 2.5 is done. And I also agree with Freedom on that one. What the hell did Nintendo use for a testing team on the LOZ1, monkeys? Every so often I'll play Zelda on the NES just for fun, and each time I run across a new bad programming bug. But because so many awesome and innovative games were made during those years, I forgive them. ;p

...Actually, wasn't the multiple clocks appearing bug fixed already?
Apparently it wasn't...

No doubt there were some bugs in Zelda 1, in addition to parts of Zelda 1 that weren't buggy but may be considered bad quest design... but it was a hell of a lot better than the turds put out by a lot of Nintendo's third-party designers at the time (for example, anything by LJN).