Quote Originally Posted by Amaster42 View Post
(I swear, Prry needs her own sub-forum, "News Articles" or something.)

..and I guarentee you that that's how they'll spin it, true or not. Sounds like a messed up kid. It's just like the school shootings, only applied to home.
Not a bad idea but then we wouldn't have any traffic in GD.

I think people assume too much with cases like these. Everyone assumes the person is trying to plea insanity to avoid jail time and get off easier. I've never been in a mental institution so I can't say if it's any worse or better but I'd imagine if someone like him were committed the experience wouldn't be pleasant.

As for the crime. Why did he shoot them and not him self? It's screwed up but I would think he would want to take his own life instead of his parents.