Quote Originally Posted by Amaster42
Seriously, though, Glenn's right. It's "fashionable" now to have ADD or ADHD, or some other disorder. All the cool kids have them
Well I guess that make me part of the "cool crowd" then, eh? Oh man...I can't believe I said "eh"...

Oh, and did I mention I have aspergers too?

*ahem* So yeah, I got diagnosed with ADD (no hyperactivity) when I was real young. Yeah, I can't seem to focus on anything very well if I'm not genuinely interested, but that aside, I've had a perfectly normal life. I turned down all special help I was given, ever, and I just dealt with it mostly on my own (ok, I'll admit I've been on ritalin for a long long time, but I've never wanted extra attention). So far, so good. A couple of failed course in college, but that's it. Never failed anything else in my school career. Personally, I don't see my "condition" as a problem. Sure my imagination is almost always in overdrive, but that's not a bad thing. Makes life that much less boring. that, and I'll always have interesting ideas for stories/games/books I want to make. XD.

Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that ADD is a valid condition, and in rare cases the person is uncontrollable. However it the definition for the disorder has had its scope widened enough to basically include "being a kid".
Yeah, I agree. A lot of peole are simply going "WTFBBQQ!!! My son is all hyper! quick, get him the...the...the med stuff there!" It's rediculous. they just want an excuse to calm the kid down, so they don't have to deal with his monkey-like attitude, which is what's normal for a kid anyway.