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Thread: Favorite Zelda BOSS?

  1. #21
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    Re: Favorite Zelda BOSS?

    My favorite has always been Bongo Bongo from OoT. I can't really ecplain what makes it so great for me... but it's so unique, weird and fun.

    I haven't played TP yet and people tell me there are some great bosses in that one... :)
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  2. #22
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    Re: Favorite Zelda BOSS?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias_Daboi View Post
    Ooh, that's a tough choice.
    LA: Don't really have one mainly because I don't really remember any of them. I remember the first one which was Moldorm, and then I remember the Face Shrine face guy...
    For reference, a list (although to those who haven't played, you might not want to read since part of the fun is in figuring out how to damage them, sometimes):

    Level 1 (Tail Cave): Mini-boss: "Rolling Bones", a little vaguely monkey-ish dude with an antenna, he throws this rolling bar of spikes back and forth across the room. Jump over it with the roc's feather and just whack at him.

    Boss: Moldorm (LTTP Hera's Tower/level 3 style). Big worm whose only weak point is the tail, runs around really fast after you get a hit in, tends to knock you off into the holes on the side to force you to start over.

    "Mini dungeon", Moblin's Keep: There was a small cave of moblins you had to go fight in-between. At the end was the Moblin King (who looks nothing like the Oracles moblin king), who basically just dances back and forth, shoots arrows, then charges at you. Dodge out of the way when he charges and he'll bash into the wall, collapsing into a heap for a second; hit him then. Not too tough.

    Level 2 (Bottle Grotto): Mini-boss: Cyclops (Hinox, actually). Basically a wimpified but larger version of the Cyclopses in the dark world in LTTP; he throws bombs and you dodge and whack at him until he dies. He also has the ability to pick you up and throw you, though.

    Boss: Genie in a bottle (ingeniously titled "Genie"). There's this spinning bottle with an eye on each side (4 I think), and this big clown-like genie comes out of the top and juggles fireballs, which he starts throwing. Then the bottle attacks; you can stun the bottle by hitting it, then pick it up and throw it; repeat a few times and the bottle breaks and the genie starts spiralling around the room and splits into two, and basically you have to whack him to death quickly before he kills you, because he's pretty hard to dodge at that point.

    Level 3 (Key Cavern): Mini-boss: dodongo snakes. Almost exactly like Zelda 1 dodongoes, only it's a pair of snakes instead of triceratops-looking guys. They wander around, you put a bomb in front of them, hopefully they'll eat it, then they die after a few.

    Boss: Big slimy eyeball guy. He hangs out on the ceiling at first, and you have to knock him down by crashing into the wall. Charge into him and he splits in two, which is the only time he's vulnerable.

    Yarna Desert: There was a boss to fight to get the key to Angler's Tunnel here. It's a single Lanmola, almost ripped straight out of LTTP; he jumps around and dives into the sand and rocks shoot out when he leaps out.

    Level 4 (Angler's Tunnel): Mini-boss: "Cue Ball". I'm certain this is what they based the Octorock in Jabu Jabu's Belly in OoT on; he charges around the room, which is a square path as narrow as he is. You have to get around behind him and hit him in the back...

    Boss: Big angler fish thing (cleverly named Angler Fish) with a lamp on his forehead, side-view underwater battle. I think you hit the light on his forehead and dodge him charging at you and other fish going by or something.

    Level 5 (Catfish's Maw): Mini-boss: Gohmas, Zelda 1 recipe.

    Mini-boss 2: Master Stalfos. Basically a glorified version of the big Stalfos knights from LTTP in the Ice Palace; bomb him and he collapses, beat him up, etc. He's a little more impressive though, since he tends to use his sword a bit better than they did.

    The real boss, though, is "Slime Eel", this worm thing that shows up in one of four corners of the room. You have to get over to him, drag him out with the hookshot, and then hit his weak point (a heart below his neck). I think he also comes out and charges around like moldorm near the end of the battle; I don't remember for sure.

    Southern Face Shrine: Prior to the main dungeon, there's a place you go to find the key to the dungeon and a crucial plot point. Guarding that dungeon key is a big armos guy. He's very much like the red Armos you get after killing 5 of the 6 blue armos knights at the end of Level 1 in LTTP; he jumps around and you have to dodge and hit him while he's on the ground. I think this version was only vulnerable to arrows, but I could be mistaken.

    Level 6 (Face Shrine): Mini-boss: "Smasher", this cute little thing that seems vaguely reminescent of a dog in the way it moves and attacks. It throws a ball at you; dodge, then grab the ball and throw it at him (it's the only thing he's vulnerable against).

    Boss: Facade: face guy on the floor. Have to bomb him. He's kind of easy from what I recall, and was reused as a mini boss in one of the Oracles games XD

    Level 7 (Eagle's Tower): Mini-boss: A little skeleton dude named "Grim Creeper" taunts you and sends these bats to attack you. You have to kill them all in one hit or they keep comnig back. Then he runs away...

    Boss: Grim Creeper riding a big eagle guy in a side-view battle on top of the tower. You have to use the Mirror Shield to block his attacks/keep from getting blown off the side and falling back into the dungeon. Oddly I seem to recall he's super vulnerable to the rod, the item you get in level 8 (I made it to level 8 before Level 7 on my first play, though I didn't beat it, of course. I nearly died making it inside, because you're supposed to use the mirror shield to block the flames blocking the entrance, but... if you're determined you can get past them with a crapload of damage taken)

    Turtle Rock Entrance: To get into level 8, you have to weak up the head of what is basically a single large gleeok head. Interestingly, it has it's own music, which is sort of similar to the LTTP boss music's drum beat. You just hit it with the sword several times to kill it.

    Level 8 (Turtle Rock): Mini-boss: Blaino, as Hypercrash described. He hops around punching at you, and can stun you and send you back to the entrance. The whirling blade technique seems to work well here.

    Boss: Hothead. This big flame guy that hops out of the lava. When he lands in the lava, fireballs shoot out. Hit him with the rod and he bounces around; eventually he splits open and is some weird thing, but I don't think his attack style changes too much (or maybe he continuously bounced around?). Just keep hitting him with the rod and he dies.

    Wind Fish's Egg (final battle): It just introduces itself as "the nightmares". It keeps changing forms, and each form has a differnet weakness. First there's this slime thing, then it turns into basically Agahnim, then Moldorm (why?), then Ganon (very LTTP style, with the trident and fire bats!), then this worm thing that homes in on your position, and finally it turns into "Dethl," this huge, Vaati-like creature with one eye (Gohmaishly) and a weird mask shape, and two long, mostly-room-covering arms that sweep around and are very hard to dodge, especially since they get faster and faster the more damage you take. This is what I mentioned as my favorite boss earlier; I love how each enemy had a unique weakness, and how wrong can you go combining Dethl, Ganon, and Agahnim (who is obviously what they based the volleyball thing with Ganondorf in OoT on, incidentally), in one place?

    I don't recall the Color Dungeon bosses, unfortunately. Only played it once, as I don't own a copy of DX yet even though it's been on my wanted list for nearly 10 years...

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    Re: Favorite Zelda BOSS?

    I don't really like Stallord's first part because it's so damn annoying to get the last hit on them for me...

    But I really like the 'Manhandla' in Zelda I and the Fire/Ice boss in ALTTP

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