Another update. Mostly scripts added to this one. For instance:

1. Script that makes the player slip on side-scrolling ice;
2. Script that causes enemy projectiles to form projectile-blocking ice prisions when they hit the player; and
3. MFING Ice Beam! (Sadly, it doesn't freeze enemies. That was the original intent, but trust me, without arrays, coding it that way was a monstrous pain in the ass. As is, it just creates ice blocks when it hits a wall or an enemy. Still pretty rad.) I've got to get the Carryover flag working correctly though; as is, the Ice Beam (randomly?) stops working after awhile.

Download the new version at (Version 346 or later) As always, thanks to Sephiroth for the hosting space.

In this update, you can get to Libra.

And fight this fellow, who will try to freeze you in blocks of ice so he can slam into you.

Beat him and explore further to uncover this curious thing.

Which turns out to be the MFING ICE BEAM.

Here's a list of things to do since the first time I posted a list. We left off with the Energy Beam allowing you to explore Gemini.

1. Work your way up and left in Gemini to hit the switch found there.
2. Descend to lower middle Gemini and fight the armored boss to obtain the Grapple Beam.
3. OPTIONAL - Find the passage to Taurus and fight the Giant Beam Cannon to get the Black Hole Armor. Not only is this armor more powerful than the Aquarius one, but it allows you to execute the Gravity Bomb attack, destroying all nearby enemies at the cost of a great deal of energy.
4. Return to Aries and use the Grapple Beam to explore the far upper right corner.
5. Defeat the fan-on-wheels to gain entry to Leo.
6. Explore Leo, moving to the upper middle portion of the map, and defeat the mainframe to get the Double-Jump Boots.
7. Return to lower-left Cancer and use the Double-Jump Boots to explore the new area and find Libra. (This area is a little buggy, might have to cheat).
8. In Libra, head to the upper right portion of the map to battle the Crystalline. Further on, after some annoying jumps, you'll find the Ice Beam, which replaces the Energy Beam.
