You know who really creep me out? Those people who claim that without religion, we would have no morals and the world would fall into chaos. Seriously - I just get a tad nervous around people who are basically implying that the only thing between them and a homocidal rampage is a belief in God.

On the other hand, what about religion as metaphor? I mean, I could imagine God as being a symbol for our own conscience, and religion just being a life philosophy. In this case, (a) you choose a religion suited to your philosophy (which god or gods is more in line with what you think is most important in life), and (b) the whole thing about it being provable goes out the window 'cause it's just a metaphor. I mean, if I said that life is like an orange, you wouldn't demand me to prove the relationship between life and citrus. Honestly, that's the way I see religion - I've always thought that the message was more important than the messenger. Heretical, perhaps, but it always made more sense to me that way.

And I mean then, God becomes a source of inspiration, and prayer becomes a form of meditation. Here's the thing in terms of prayer and the like. We all know that there are things that we can't normally do, but if we really believe in ourselves, we can accomplish them. The way I've always seen it, it's much easier to believe in yourself if you imagine an omnipotent deity is on your side. Right or wrong, there's a lot of power there, so should we just ignore it?