Y'know what? I'm gonna tell you a little story I heard somewhere. And just to make it even more interesting, I'm gonna use people from here to illustrate certain characters. Are we all sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Oncer upon a time, there was an entire race of people who fervently believed that God was standing right behind them, guiding them through life. No-one else could see this God except the person he was standing behind, but there was a snag. At the very heart of their religion, people believed that if they turned around and looked at this God, they would be denied entry into heaven and the eternal paradise that would come with it.

And so the people went for all of their days, believing that God was watching over their shoulder but being totally afraid to check. Until one day, when Beldaran, in one of his many arguments against the race's religion, could stand it no longer, and looked over his shoulder.

And found no-one.

Convinced that this proved his point, he began spreading the word - there was no God over your shoulder, there was no eternal afterlife. And, slowly but surely, people started to see if it was true. They started looking over their shoulders, and found that God wasn't there. Until eventually there was only one man left who believed that God truly was there. And, unable to face the sheer pressure of those who believed otherwise, he took his own life.

When he woke up, he found that he was in Heaven.

Now boys and girls, what have we learned?