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Thread: So...

  1. #21
    Patra Cloral's Avatar
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    Re: So...

    Wow, I forgot you could do that.

  2. #22
    Patra Masamune's Avatar
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    Re: So...

    Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
    Please don't quote pineconlolz. I have him on ignore and I really enjoy not being able to see anything he posts.
    That's a great fucking idea. Seeing that avatar confuses the shit out of me whenever he and whoever he copied it from post next to eachother. Also, my headache went away, and I'm listening to the new Modest Mouse album. It's fantastic.

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    Wizrobe DarkDragoonX's Avatar
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    Re: So...

    I just had a thought
    Maybe I'll write a haiku
    But then I ruined it by adding way too many syllables at the end
    Proud sponsor of the Oh, God of hangovers.

  4. #24
    Karate guys for cash. Aegix Drakan's Avatar
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    Re: So...

    Quote Originally Posted by phattonez View Post
    Don't you hate songs where you can't understand what they're singing about?
    *pauses the Japanese Anime music playing from the PC*

    What now? It sometimes adds to the whole experience, I find.

    but...I do agree with Lilith. I HATE it when I think I know the lyrics, and then I find out that the REAL lyrics aren't really good. >_<
    Quote Originally Posted by phattonez
    AGN is not meant for people who have lives. Come back home, turn the lights off and stare in awe at the glow that comes from the monitor.
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    Re: So...

    Unusual things I value highly in some fashion:

    AI Love You (manga). Good, entertaining, cool main characters, underrated, got to see my favorite artist's art style developing from his earliest days up into the cool stuff like he does now. That's just cool.

    Tremors movies and TV show. All four movies were very entertaining and humorous, and aside from a few stupid bits the show was pretty good. The character development of Burt was surprisingly good and I really liked him, which is surprising considering at first glance he seems like a crazy redneck conservative guy. One gets the feeling he's actually very tolerant, at that- he has an interesting sort of moral view. He's just all about survival- it's what he does. Pretty cool story if you really think about it.

    Andromeda (also known as "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda", but that's stupid considering that only a small part of the concept is based on his work at all- lead writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe confirmed such himself. It's like taking one character out of the Silmarillion, developing a new universe and storyline andoother characters, and calling the final produt "J.R.R. Tolkien's"). The show went to hell in a handbasket in season 2 when the lead writer was fired and the show became a nonsense action fantasy that felt like a sad attempt to mimic Hercules (only in space!), but in the first year and a half, it was awesome. Interesting concept, nice ambitious universe, Aliens never had human flesh tone that I recall (and they tried to do real suits and such a lot, what with the Than, Magog, Consensus of Parts, and others). If they did look human, typically it was because they were modified humans (Nietzchians being the prime example). The plot was paced well and had a nice degree of continuity for it's episodic format, with very visible character development and references to things that had happened previously and consequences of events in previous episodes. The story was interesting AND it was well told. That's win right there. Too bad it never got to finish telling it's story (though it can be found here in the form of "Andromeda: Coda", a script-format one-scene explanation that RHW wrote himself).

    Tentacle hentai apparently. Looooooool.

    Zelda and Mario CD-i games. Yeah they're crap, but they're hilarious and bring a little bit of joy and entertainment in a way they were never intended to. Link's radical voice, huge bouncing hair, and fiercely chiseled mug adds up to serious badassery.

    American cheese. It's terrible with most food (although it works on say, McDonald's cheeseburgers), but good on it's own. Crazy.

    Easy cheese. It's awesome. But what happened to Bacon N Cheddar falvor Easy Cheese? I haven't seen any in stores in years, yet it's still listed on the back of the cans like it, y'know, exists.

    Totino's pizza. Cheapcheapcheap but somehow I like it as it's own alternative thing, like given a choice I might actually want this instead of Red Baron for some variety. Not bad, that.

    I love the power glove. It's so bad. I actually own one but I never have hooked it up to see if it even sort of works, because for a long time I had no idea what all the sticks and sensors and crap were for/how to use them.

    The SNES Super Scope. I love the thing, it's just so cool and funny and awesome filled. But I tend to wield it like a machine gun rather than a bazooka (it's a bazooka that's like, little kid scaled, and I'm 5'11"). That works great in Yoshi's Safari though. Imagine Mario riding along on Yoshi, mowing down goombas and koopas with his lazer turbo-shot machine gun. No more of that running and jumping and dodging crap for him!

    The Virtual Boy. It's really a very interesting and unique experience as videogame technology goes, and Wario Land and Mario Clash and Mario Tennis are all pretty fun. I'm sad that it never had better development; even it's main Mario Land title fell through. I would've liked to see what it could do with proper mainstream development, and I seriously hope Nintendo revisits this concept in some form (as they arguably have the Power Glove- come on, a motion sensitive controller where you aim by hand, swinging your arm around to control the gameplay?...)

    Acid wash denim. It's totally radical. It rules!

    Normal things people love and I don't, and like to rant and bitch about:

    Onions. Onion powder mixed into stuff can be okay, and I love sour cream and onion potato chips, but onion pieces are just goddamn nasty, it literally makes me gag. Why do people put these in so much food? I guess onions have a sort of nice flavor to add to certain things... but only if it's combined right. Concentrated onion flavor tastes like puke ass.

    The new Battlestar Galactica show. Depressing anghsty shit that resembles platoon or full metal jacket (from what I know about them; might be a bad comparison considering I've never actually sat through them). "O noes, our mysteriously not advanced yet faster than light spacefaring civilization has been destroyed by death robots we made, abused, and thought we got rid of! But wait, we've got a plan! Let's be incredibly selfish, hateful, psychopathic bitches to each other for no reason, preferably when unprovoked! Yeah, like, let's lie to each other constantly, hate each other, be more prejudiced and hypocritic than a politically charged televagelist, and generally be completely inhuman assholes so we can kill each other off before the equally demented (and stupidly human to the point of being completely unoriginal as "robots" or AI of any kind, only utilizing that as an excuse for them to have unusual capabilities like a bunch of duplicates or being able to revive when killed)- Cylons even get the chance. If you disagree and try to be nice we'll probably just throw you out the airlock or you'll get hit by stray fire. It'll rock." Right. Awesome show, what ever was I thinking?

    Terminator movies. Experimental artificial intelligence system decides to exterminate all of humanity for no clear reason as if this were a 60s Outer Limits episode, destroys world, humans fight, it's a bloody war, and a lot of time travel is thrown in that ultimately accomplishes nothing and thus only ruined life for certain people in the 80s and 90s too. And then, after we thought we'd fixed everything, shit goes wrong basically the same way for no other reason than "o gee, guess it's fate lolz". Meanwhile most of the action resembles a slasher horror film, only with robots and explosions. Awesome.

    Toenails. I've grown to appreciate actual bare feet; it can feel good, and I don't really mind most of the foot. But toenails are just fucking gross. Why are they even there? They're just ugly, nasty things that get sharp if not cared for and infected easily. You might argue it protects the foot, but from what? Doesn't seem to help when you drop a brick on your foot. If you didn't have them there the skin would be tougher and less sensitive anyway. They're just useless nasty crap. At least fingernails are useful.

    On that line of thought, nail polish. Why would you want to decorate one of the ugliest parts of your body by painting it a bright color to show it off? I don't get it. Gloss, sure, but I've never really liked nail polish that much. Especially not on feet, obviously. I'm weird like that though.

    Star Wars New Jedi Order books and all expanded universe material set afterwards. It's like new Battlestar Galactica, only with Star Wars. Chewbacca dies, one of Han and Leia's kids dies (for extra dramatic awesomeness, Han was already alienated with said kid BECAUSE CHEWBACCA DIED TO SAVE HIS LIFE. So Chewbacca died saving someone who led a miserable life for a few months and then died, so things could happen in the most horrific, painful, soul-shattering way possible. Han subsequently becomes a depressed alcoholic), another becomes a murderer and sith lord, everyone's alienated and at each other's throats- even Luke and Leia and Han- and Coruscant and the New Republic both bite the big one at the hands of uber death aliens. In the end the Imperial remnant- it's amazing it even stuck around 25 years, that's longer than the empire itself made it- merges with the smashed new republic, corrupts it, and hundreds of years later in Legacy, guess what, the Galactic Empire is still fucking things up. The whole thing takes a big crap on the rest of the Star Wars saga, a complete disgrace to the original trilogy and any significance the end of Return of the Jedi had. It also eliminates any sense of purpose most the EU books filling the space between ROTJ and the NJO had; clearly the feeling in stories like the Jedi Academy Trilogy was that while there were still problems, things were ultimately getting better, it was going somewhere, and the New Republic was important- it was what the whole war was for. But no, things turned out incredibly shitty in the end despite anyone's efforts. What a load of crap.

    So yeah, random yet common substance from my brain.

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  6. #26
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    Re: So...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
    Terminator movies. Experimental artificial intelligence system decides to exterminate all of humanity for no clear reason as if this were a 60s Outer Limits episode, destroys world, humans fight, it's a bloody war, and a lot of time travel is thrown in that ultimately accomplishes nothing and thus only ruined life for certain people in the 80s and 90s too. And then, after we thought we'd fixed everything, shit goes wrong basically the same way for no other reason than "o gee, guess it's fate lolz". Meanwhile most of the action resembles a slasher horror film, only with robots and explosions. Awesome.
    Many people, myself included, view Terminator 3 as a souless money grab whose plot is absolutely NOT canon. It was a fun movie, but it ruined the story line.

    For many of us, Terminator ended with T2. Even James Cameron, who did not make T3, said he thought T3 was stupid from a plot perspective.

  7. #27
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Re: So...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
    Tremors movies and TV show. All four movies were very entertaining and humorous, and aside from a few stupid bits the show was pretty good. The character development of Burt was surprisingly good and I really liked him, which is surprising considering at first glance he seems like a crazy redneck conservative guy. One gets the feeling he's actually very tolerant, at that- he has an interesting sort of moral view. He's just all about survival- it's what he does. Pretty cool story if you really think about it.
    I couldn't get into that movie. It scared me almost to death as a child.

    Tentacle hentai apparently. Looooooool
    Hilarious. Simply hilarious.

    Zelda and Mario CD-i games. Yeah they're crap, but they're hilarious and bring a little bit of joy and entertainment in a way they were never intended to. Link's radical voice, huge bouncing hair, and fiercely chiseled mug adds up to serious badassery.
    I've tried to stay clear of anything cd-i related, but I did not know there were mario cd-i games. Now I only hope there were never any metroid cd-i games or I'll be disappointed with my favorite game heroine. Though I must now investigate this.

    American cheese. It's terrible with most food (although it works on say, McDonald's cheeseburgers), but good on it's own. Crazy.
    I concur.

    Easy cheese. It's awesome. But what happened to Bacon N Cheddar falvor Easy Cheese? I haven't seen any in stores in years, yet it's still listed on the back of the cans like it, y'know, exists.
    Again, I concur. I've not seen it for many moons.

    Totino's pizza. Cheapcheapcheap but somehow I like it as it's own alternative thing, like given a choice I might actually want this instead of Red Baron for some variety. Not bad, that.
    God, that pizza is good despite how cheap it is.

    I love the power glove. It's so bad. I actually own one but I never have hooked it up to see if it even sort of works, because for a long time I had no idea what all the sticks and sensors and crap were for/how to use them.
    I never saw a power glove up close. I've only seen pictures and such.

    The SNES Super Scope. I love the thing, it's just so cool and funny and awesome filled. But I tend to wield it like a machine gun rather than a bazooka (it's a bazooka that's like, little kid scaled, and I'm 5'11"). That works great in Yoshi's Safari though. Imagine Mario riding along on Yoshi, mowing down goombas and koopas with his lazer turbo-shot machine gun. No more of that running and jumping and dodging crap for him!
    Ok, those last sentences have to be the funniest thing to ever involve mario. EVER!

    The Virtual Boy. It's really a very interesting and unique experience as videogame technology goes, and Wario Land and Mario Clash and Mario Tennis are all pretty fun. I'm sad that it never had better development; even it's main Mario Land title fell through. I would've liked to see what it could do with proper mainstream development, and I seriously hope Nintendo revisits this concept in some form (as they arguably have the Power Glove- come on, a motion sensitive controller where you aim by hand, swinging your arm around to control the gameplay?...)
    I wanted to get and play that, but I never got the chance.

    Normal things people love and I don't, and like to rant and bitch about:

    Terminator movies. Experimental artificial intelligence system decides to exterminate all of humanity for no clear reason as if this were a 60s Outer Limits episode, destroys world, humans fight, it's a bloody war, and a lot of time travel is thrown in that ultimately accomplishes nothing and thus only ruined life for certain people in the 80s and 90s too. And then, after we thought we'd fixed everything, shit goes wrong basically the same way for no other reason than "o gee, guess it's fate lolz". Meanwhile most of the action resembles a slasher horror film, only with robots and explosions. Awesome.
    Never finished watching the first two movies and haven't seen the 3rd.

    Toenails. I've grown to appreciate actual bare feet; it can feel good, and I don't really mind most of the foot. But toenails are just fucking gross. Why are they even there? They're just ugly, nasty things that get sharp if not cared for and infected easily. You might argue it protects the foot, but from what? Doesn't seem to help when you drop a brick on your foot. If you didn't have them there the skin would be tougher and less sensitive anyway. They're just useless nasty crap. At least fingernails are useful.
    Tis a mystery that may perhaps never be solved....or may be easily solve. I don't know. Look them up on google or wikipedia.

    Star Wars New Jedi Order books and all expanded universe material set afterwards. It's like new Battlestar Galactica, only with Star Wars. Chewbacca dies, one of Han and Leia's kids dies (for extra dramatic awesomeness, Han was already alienated with said kid BECAUSE CHEWBACCA DIED TO SAVE HIS LIFE. So Chewbacca died saving someone who led a miserable life for a few months and then died, so things could happen in the most horrific, painful, soul-shattering way possible. Han subsequently becomes a depressed alcoholic), another becomes a murderer and sith lord, everyone's alienated and at each other's throats- even Luke and Leia and Han- and Coruscant and the New Republic both bite the big one at the hands of uber death aliens. In the end the Imperial remnant- it's amazing it even stuck around 25 years, that's longer than the empire itself made it- merges with the smashed new republic, corrupts it, and hundreds of years later in Legacy, guess what, the Galactic Empire is still fucking things up. The whole thing takes a big crap on the rest of the Star Wars saga, a complete disgrace to the original trilogy and any significance the end of Return of the Jedi had. It also eliminates any sense of purpose most the EU books filling the space between ROTJ and the NJO had; clearly the feeling in stories like the Jedi Academy Trilogy was that while there were still problems, things were ultimately getting better, it was going somewhere, and the New Republic was important- it was what the whole war was for. But no, things turned out incredibly shitty in the end despite anyone's efforts. What a load of crap.
    Ok. Everything up to
    So Chewbacca died saving someone who led a miserable life for a few months and then died, so things could happen in the most horrific, painful, soul-shattering way possible.
    I already knew about. Everything after it, I didn't. Now I know how the story goes. And now I'm kinda disappointed.

    So yeah, random yet common substance from my brain.
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    Re: So...

    For many of us, Terminator ended with T2. Even James Cameron, who did not make T3, said he thought T3 was stupid from a plot perspective.
    Whoa! Separate writers... all is explained.

    As I just posted elsewhere before checking this thread, I don't truly hate Terminator 1 and 2... I might have been overly vicious. But I don't really like them either. Arnold's cool, but the rest of it- especially all the action- comes off as boring tp ,e and I don't like the general storyline idea. Not my kind of thing. Different tastes for different people.

    I already knew about. Everything after it, I didn't. Now I know how the story goes. And now I'm kinda disappointed.
    Sorry. Spoilers abound there. However, I like to have a bit of a big red warning sign when godawful shit like that happens in a story. It tells me I don't have to read it. XD

    I've tried to stay clear of anything cd-i related, but I did not know there were mario cd-i games. Now I only hope there were never any metroid cd-i games or I'll be disappointed with my favorite game heroine. Though I must now investigate this.
    The Nintendo liscense-using CD-i games are as follows:

    Link: The Faces of Evil
    Zelda: the Wand of Gamelon
    Both of these are sidescroller "puzzle" games which are pretty bad and have hilariously awful cut scene work. I really recommend looking up the intro to at least one of them (Wand of Gamelon is a bit more famous I think, but they're about equal in humour).

    Hotel Mario
    A funny little screen-by-screen game where Mario runs around on different levels of platforms with elevators trying to dodge or jump on enemies and close doors or something. Kinda weird. But the cut scenes seem to have been made by the Zelda guys, and so are hilariously bad. They TRIED to mimic SMBSS, but still failed hard.

    Zelda's Adventure
    A game which attempts to use semi-FMV sprites and way too much dialogue and superimposure+photographs for various graphics. The end result looks hard to play and has load times on EVERY SINGLE SCREEN. This game is nearly impossible to obtain though, due to not being emulated successfully (that I know of) and real copies being uber rare.

    I feel a bit apologetic about my statements on Terminator. Sorry about that. Most of my feelings come from how very bad Terminator 3 was, how much I hated it. To be honest it's been three years since I watched the other two, actually, so I might feel differently if I saw them freshly.

    However, my judgements stand on Galactica and Star Wars NJO. Simply horrible. I've seen more than enough of Galactica and research on the NJO is enough to make me not want to try them.

    The Legend of Zelda: The Inverse Mirror supporter

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    Re: So...

    I just love robots. :)

  10. #30
    Sir Anthony Brasel's Avatar
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    Re: So...

    I fucking hate privates. I hate teenagers that are privates. Having soldiers under you that are under the age of twenty is so much like having your own kids. You have to make sure they get up in the morning for work, you have to make sure they get fed, you have to make sure they have all their equipment so they don't get charged for losing it...I'm sick of them not listening to me and the other NCO's in my platoon. I'm going to smoke the ever loving shit out of them tomorrow. (That means I'm going to make them do pushups until their arms fall off and abdominal excersizes until their guts explode, not literally of course.)
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