Seems fine... I don't understand what you mean about the 'Certain rooms revealing the Four Sword's Power' part, but for the most of it this seems like a good setup.

I've got an idea for you, though. Usually there is 1 shield less than the swords, but I think there should be a secret 5th one too. Let me explain in further detail.

* Deku Shield (Blocks rocks): It's a chunk of tree bark. Weee.
* Tin Pot (Reflects rocks): A little better than the Deku Shield, you find this in one of the houses in Hyle Town, I suppose.
* Steel Shield (Blocks rocks, blocks fireballs): This is the first shield you can actually purchase, and it does pretty much what it should. I don't know where you'd buy it, or what it'd cost.
* Ancient Tablet (Blocks rocks, blocks fireballs, blocks enemy magic, blocks gleeok fire): This is the shield people would most likely recognize as the 'super secret' shield, though it's not as powerful as the final shield. It blocks just about everything from the front, and you have to find it.
* Aegis of Ages (Protects Link's Left and front; reflects rocks, reflects fireballs, reflects enemy magic, reflects gleeok fire, Special): This is the truely unique one, so I'll lay out how it would work in a list so it makes recognizable sense.
  • This shield covers both Link's front and left body. That means:
    • When Link is facing up, projectiles from his left and his up cannot hit him
    • When Link is facing right, projectiles from his up and his right cannot hit him
    • When Link is facing down, projectiles from his right and his down cannot hit him
    • And when Link is facing left, projectiles from his down and his left cannot hit him
  • The shield has a special means of reflecting attacks. If an attack hits him from the front, it is reflected out from the left side of his shield. If hit from the left, it is reflected from the front (I don't know how possible this is).
  • This shield should be VERY difficult to acquire, as it gives Link near-darknut status in terms of strikability.

Oops... looks like I meandered a little bit. Back to your swords....

The Golden Sword should have the same 'Peril Beam' ability that the Deku Stick has... but is there any way to make it so you can only use beam attacks when BELOW a certain heart percentage?
...That's really the only input I can think of. I was picturing a weapon that grows in capabilities to compensate for the decreasing strength of its bearer.