Far be it for me to say everyone here is a moron. Christians or the worst of them all. Don't even get me started on others. If you really beleave in something beleave in it. Don't try to thow it down on people. Any group that whats money is a rip off. Why do you really need them to help you? Can't you even read on your own. understaining it is easy. The USA is the beast that it speacks of. We have forurced our selfs on soo maey others it an't funny. So keep this fight going you will just make it a lot worst try to prove you points. I bet 99% of you are port of a group that thinks one thing and thats it. No one here is really thinking 100% on there own. You where told it at one time or other. The thing is it got stuck in there so now you call it you own! this kind of thing sould never even come up. beleave what you will keep others out of it. unless they ask ya.