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Thread: Cycling Combos

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    Cycling Combos

    I have been trying to make rooms with paths that appear over lava and move, just like it is in Hero of Dreams. I wanted it to move one square ahead every 3 seconds, which also gets rid of the square in back. The path should be 3 tiles long. I made a lava tile with A. Frames set to 1 and speed set to 180 (I also made 1 at 120 and 1 at 60 for when it starts; same with the floor), and it should have cycled to the floor tile. I did the same things with the floor tiles. When I tested it, at first, they cycled very slowly and left the wrong color underneath them, even though I set it to cycle at the correct color. After cycling for a few seconds, the cycling became synchronised for no apparent reason, so it moved in blocks of three rather than one at a time. What's going on?

  2. #2
    Wizrobe Pineconn's Avatar
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    Re: Cycling Combos

    FYI, this is from a text document, it isn't my own writing. So any grammatical errors are not mine. And, some of it you already know, so you can probably just skip to the second section, but it wouldn't take long to read through it all anyway.

    Making the Combo Animated
    1. Right-click a combo that you want animated.
    2. Click on the 0 next to A Frames. Delete the 0 and replace it with the number of tiles or frames that you want in the animation.
    3. Click on the 0 next to A Speed and delete it. Replace it with a number of your own to set the speed. One tic equals 1/60 of a second so 60 tics equals one full second.
    4. Select the tile of the combo. You must select the first tile or frame that will appear in the animation sequence. The number of A Frames is how many consecutive tiles, starting from the first, that are included in the animation sequence.
    5. After clicking the first tile, select done from the combo editor.
    6. Go to Etc, then options. Make sure the option "Combo Animation" is checked so that you can see the combo animation occur in Zquest.
    7. Now test to see that the animation of the combo you just created work correctly. If you feel the animation is too fast or too slow, then simply adjust the Animation Speed number.

    Setting the 'Next' Combo
    1. If you want a combo to cycle, then you must set the 'Next' Combo of a combo. To do this, right click a combo. Then, click on the black spot underneath "Next" in the combo editor.
    2. This will bring up all your combos that you have, allowing you to set the next combo in the combo sequence and string combos together. Double click the combo that you want the current combo to cycle to.
    3. Combos cycle from one to the "next" after the animation is done. Animation is really important when adjusting the rate at which combos cycle. For now, combos only cycle if the number of animation frames is greater than two. If you do not want to make a combo look as though it is animated but do want it to cycle, then simply make adjacent copies of the tile that you wish to use and set the number of animation frames to two. After one animation sequence occurs, the combo cycles to the "next" combo if there is a next combo set. If there is none, then the combo animation will simply loop.
    4. COMBO CYCLING DOES NOT OCCUR IN ZQUEST!!! This is very important. When you set the "Next" Combo of a combo, that combo will NOT appear to cycle; it will however appear to continuously animate. Nevertheless, Combo cycling should work when testing your quest in Zelda Classic.

    Combo Cycling Properties
    1. Again, combos cycle after their animation sequence is finished, to slow combo cycling, slow the rate of animation.
    2. Combos DO NOT CYCLE ON LAYERS but do animate on layers! (well, only on layer 0)
    3. Combos do not cycle when placed as an undercombo!
    4. Combo cycling does not loop! This means that when if you have combo A and combo B, and you set the next combo of Combo A to Combo B, then Combo A will cycle to Combo B but Combo B will not cycle back to Combo A unless you make Combo B's Next Combo
    5. Secret combos do cycle!
    6. Combo Cycling and Animation is continuous! Combos will cycle & animate even when Link is not on that screen! This is so that all combos in the game cycle and animate together; this is good so that if two adjacent screens were covered by rain, the rain on both screens would animate together at the same rate (assuming all the rain is the same combo). Thus, when Link walks from the first screen to the second, the rain combos will match.
    7. Combo properties cycle accordingly as combos cycle; so, if you have a damage combo cycle to an undefined combo and vise versa, Link will take damage when he hits the combo that has the damage property but will not take damage if the combo has cycled to the undefined property. This is great for making traps. The combo walkability also changes, thus allowing for certain things such as retracting walls or obstacles.
    My quests:
    End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
    Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
    End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)

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