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Thread: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

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    The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    The PS3 launch a cakewalk? Far from it. We don't usually let readers take the reins (fearing y'all would rub us out of a job), but Tokyo-based reader Dirk Benedict sent us this doozy of an email, complete with first hand reporting, a pic and video. His observations struck a cord with me: Things that I saw at launch, which at the time seemed small, but in hindsight, really, weren't. Hit the jump for video of the PS3 chaos and Dirk's email in full:

    At the worldwide sales debut of PlayStation 3, Sony's newest console attracted dozens of media outlets and thousands of people willing to camp outside overnight for a chance to score the 60,000 yen game system.

    Minutes before the clock struck 7:00 A.M. and Sony's new PlayStation 3 console would officially go on sale, a company representative addressed the crowd of media and the new face of early bird game console buyers - Chinese nationals.

    "Everybody, the PlayStation 3 is the door to a new world of interactive entertainment," the spunky Japanese rep trumpeted as SCE CEO Ken Kutaragi joined her on stage.

    Unfortunately for her and the rest of the Sony entourage, the men and women standing patiently in the front of the line either didn't understand what she was saying, or didn't care - the first buyers of PS3 were largely elderly Chinese men and young Chinese women with shaky Japanese language skills.

    This became readily apparent when Kutaragi welcomed the first official PS3 owner on stage for an on-spot interview. A 26-year-old Chinese man politely stood on stage while the organizers earnestly tried to squeeze some information him.

    Questions like "When did you start lining up?" and "What games will you buy?" were left unanswered as the young man shook his head, refusing (or unable) to respond. The Japanese media would later catch up with him, confirming suspicions that the first PS3 buyer didn't understand Japanese. An eyewitness claimed the young man didn't purchase a single game for his brand-new PS3.

    This is the true face of the PlayStation 3 debut in Japan. Hardcore gamers are not here waiting in line overnight, buying a first-run PS3, and running home to play some good old next-gen gaming. Rather, opportunistic Japanese businessmen have the largest presence, hiring poor Chinese men and women to wait in line for a PS3, one which will later be sold on web auctions to wealthy gamers around the world for exorbitant amounts of money.


    Some waited patiently for the clock to strike 7 A.M., others pushed.

    Around the corner of Bic Camera, the line continued on and was partitioned by a television news van. With one hour left of waiting, this became a troublesome spot for Bic Camera employees who tried to calm a crowd of increasingly agitated people, upset over the lack of organization, cramped spaces, and increasing number of people cutting in line. Soon pushing ensued, men began yelling at one another, and some women began crying for help.

    Without the presence of Tokyo police officers, the Bic Camera employees were temporarily able to bring order to the line, most armed with their weapon of choice - ear-splitting megaphones.

    The levy broke soon afterwards, as a truck attempted to pass through the narrow street, forcing the organizers to push back to the line closer towards the wall. Or in other words, squeezing together a line of people already packed like sardines.

    The pressure was too much as the line busted open and more pushing ensued (which broke out in front of the waiting truck), causing those waiting in back to push forward, inching themselves closer to the finish line with a prideful Kutaragi waiting.

    One man truly leveled-up - the chaos allowed him to push forward from roughly 200th in place all the way up to 20th in line.

    The Tokyo police would eventually arrive just prior to 7 A.M. - fifty minutes after the pushing first took place.

    A gruff-looking Bic Camera manager was the first to realize the problem - nobody in line understood the directions his employees were screaming. He quickly grabbed one of his Chinese-speaking employees, put him on top of a ladder, handed him a megaphone, and instructed the young man to address the crowd in Chinese.


    To the relief of everyone, the final countdown took place at 6:59 A.M. as Kutaragi made a quick speech and officially kicked off the retail debut of PlayStation 3.

    But what took place at the cash registers moments later would put a big, fat exclamation point on what can only be described as a failure of a hardware launch.

    "Thank you for your patience!," welcomed the cashier to the first PS3 buyers. "What game software would you like with your purchase?"

    "Hai," the consumer nodded, not understanding the question.

    Most cashiers soon figured out that the men and women standing in front of them didn't speak Japanese. Some would then repeat the same question in English, and would all get the say reply, "Only hardware."

    Based on my observations of the first twenty PS3s sold at Bic Camera, they were all purchased by Chinese nationals, none of whom bought any software. After making their purchase, television crews asked for interviews but all were declined. These temporary owners of PS3s would then make their way down the street where their bosses waited. After several minutes, a dozen PS3s were rounded up, as their Japanese business manager paid out cash to those who waited in line for them. I witnessed a homeless-looking Chinese man, in his sixties or seventies get paid 20,000 yen for his services and was then sent away.

    The sales spree continued back over at the registers, and not everything was running smoothly. One elderly Chinese man, next in line to buy a PS3, was in a state of panic. He explained to a Bic Camera employee that his "friend" has his money, but that he is further back in the line. After further investigation, these poor Chinese are not given the 60,000 yen to purchase the PS3 until minutes before their reach the registers, perhaps out of fear that some will run off with the money. The Bic Camera employee assisted the elderly gentlemen, escorting him back to the cash registered after he received the cash from his good "friend."

    The transactions continued, tired-looking Chinese carried away their newly purchased PS3s, and avoided eye contact with journalists asking for interviews. All but one young man - a Chinese exchange student studying in Japan. He was willing to go on camera and was excited to talk about his new purchase.

    The television reporter started off with a few questions that the young man didn't understand, so she stuck to simple questions: "Why is PS3 good?"

    "It's interesting," the young student said with a grin.

    "What game will you play on your PS3?" she asked.

    "The tennis game," he replied. Among the four software titles that launched with the PS3 in Japan, there was only one sports title - Sega's golf game. The student was perhaps referring to the recently released "Minna no Tennis" on PlayStation 2. Either way, it was obvious he was no gamer.

    The young man would later head over to Yurakucho Station, where he added his purchased PS3 to a collection of consoles bought by his friends, which no doubt will be sold online in an auction later today.


    Today I witnessed the most disturbing side of the video game industry in my three decades of game fandom. It's not the Chinese that I'm upset about. Who can blame them? If you're poor and without a good job in Japan, 20,000 yen to wait in line isn't a bad deal. And for ambitious people like the Chinese students I encountered who scored five PS3s, this hardware launch could net them thousands of dollars in profit through online auditioning - that's more money for them to spend on tuition. These are the lucky Chinese kids in Japan, getting an education, and trying to get ahead in life. If these kids are good students, who's to say that they should be playing PS3 instead of using the console to afford more education?

    But this story isn't about the hardships of Chinese in Japan. It's about how poorly run hardware launches are done in Japan and why they should change.

    Sixty seconds before Kutaragi kicked off the launch, rain started to fall on hundreds of people in line, many without umbrellas. People were pushed and yelled at by out-of-control campers without the presence of a single police officer (even though a police box was located one block away), and hundreds more are still waiting outside as I write this, with the rain pouring down. Meanwhile, true Japanese gamers are waiting. Based on the record-breaking attendence of this year's Tokyo Game Show, there are tens of thousands of Japanese interested in playing (not selling) PlayStation 3. They are waiting for their chance to play Ridge Racer 7 or Genji II (or maybe not), but still the interest is there. And should they line up again when the next shipments of PS3s come in? Hell no. As evidenced by the ongoing DS Lite storages in Japan, patient Chinese and their crooked Japanese bosses will be there too, waiting.

    This is the true story of the PlayStation 3 debut in Japan. This is the kind of expose that Japanese media are prevented to run because of their nationalism and close ties with big business. While it's honorable to not smear their own countrymen (Sony) for their botched launch, the truth must be told.


    Sony should be scolded for staging a national launch event with 80,000 units. An extreme lack of supply ignited an extreme surge of demand - that of which poor Chinese and opportunistic Japanese took full advantage of today.

    If Sony and major retailers like Bic Camera or Yodobashi Camera are going to participate in launch day festivities like today, police need to be present.

    If measures aren't taken to try and curb rampant scalping of hardware through online auctions, then retailers must address their customers - Mandarin-speaking Chinese. Don't bother having your employees shout into megaphones all morning long - nobody understands a word they are saying.


    As a fellow foreigner studying in Japan, I can tell you the hardships that many of us face everyday. The intent of this story is not to point fingers at hard-working Chinese nationals. Rather, I think this subject needs to be brought to light. This is the truth that no Japanese media wants to touch.
    Wow.....God forbid if this happens in America. Even I didn't think Sony would fall down this low to let the rich Japanese Business men use poor Chinese to wait in long PS3 lines who can't speak Japanese while they are pushed around in rain. And that they were almost entirely sold in Auctions and will only be bought by wealthy people who are interested in the PS3. Obviously, Sony probably doesn't even care as long as the PS3s are sold but almost no games were sold whatsoever.

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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    Woah, that's disturbing. Damn Sony, letting this happen and not giving a damn about us Europeans. Oh how I wish PS3 would be a failure but that won't happen. Shit sells so well these days. :p
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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.


    (5 seconds later of holding down the "o" key...)

    ...oooow. ["Wow."] That has got to be embarrassing for Sony. (Yes, I am glad that Sony has obviously failed.)

    That is THE strangest -- somewhat saddest -- story I have ever read. Hopefully this doesn't happen over here for the Wii launch on Sunday. Of course, it won't, since we won't have hundreds of poor Chinese middlemen buying out the Wiis just to pocket some $$$.

    At last, Sony's era should be ending.
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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanes

    LoL Wow, I knew there would be alot of that happening but I didn't think it would get to be that bad, That's Hilarious. Patheticly Hilarious...

    I'm sure it wouldn't get anywhere near that bad in the states.

    If I had of got my hands on one I would have definately sold it off aswell though. Gone out and bought a Wii and another PS3 with the money I made off of it. The only thing that looks intersting on it though is Assasin's Creed and I already own a DVD player, candle stick maker, latrine, jet engine.
    Chinese people will farm anything holy geez.

    I especially doubt this will happen for the Wii, this happend to the PS3 due to thier lack of console that they are producing. I'm sure this will happen for the Wii but on a drastically smaller scale.
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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    lol, that is just so sad.

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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    Is anyone really shocked? We all knew this was coming. The only sad thing is all this hype is for a half decent overpriced system, not anything amazing. After the PS2 and Xbox 360 launches, it's become very obvious there is a profit to be made by taking advantage of supply and demand. The only thing to really cut down on it would be if online auction sites all imposed restrictions or even price limits. But they won't, cause they are making money off this too. I can't say I care.

    I want a Wii at launch, but I won't die if I don't get one.

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    Patra AtmaWeapon's Avatar
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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    With few launch units
    Middlemen reap big profit
    Ken Kutaragi weeps

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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    What happened there is no different than what happens here, just with a little less order and more chaos. Look at all the EBay pre-orders that went up for PS3 after reserves were opened up at Gamestop/EB. And thats just America. Europe will probably be the same way. People will do whatever to make money.

    Luckily, I don't work on Friday...and I'm glad. I don't want to work on Friday, nor on Sunday.

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    Lynel {DSG}DarkRaven's Avatar
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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.

    Atma, haiku is 575, not 576.

    "Thank you for your patience!," welcomed the cashier to the first PS3 buyers. "What game software would you like with your purchase?"

    "Hai," the consumer nodded, not understanding the question.
    Laugh. Out. Loud. Also, I find it funny that the writer suggests in a positive manner that tens of thousands of people are intersted in playing PS3, and not selling it. Maybe he's being sarcastic, but if he's not, I can't imagine Sony could call that a success. Even if this whole 80k production run sells out, how can that be a success? We won't know for a while, and after the holiday, I really expect sales to bottom out. Still, I fully expect Sony to party and talk smack about the 360 and the Wii.

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    Re: The PS3 launch in Japan was today...and was used by poor chinese and rich Japanese.


    I knew it would be bad, but THIS bad?

    I once again state that Sony deserves to crash and burn.
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