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Thread: I'm not dead... yet!

  1. #1
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    I'm not dead... yet!

    Hey ho all. I've been gone for a while, and have only recently kinda come back, so I figured you might want to know what's been going on with your resident Dark Lord of the Sith.

    The short story is I got a job.
    The long version is a nice little story that'll keep you entertained for years to come and is something you can tell the kids as a bedtime treat.*

    It begins a few months ago when I got a job at the local Body Shop offices through a recruitment agency (who have done squat diddle for me since then, but that's a while other kettle of fish). That particular job was essentially me updating spreadsheets for two weeks, and was not much fun at all, however I did get some lifts home from my Uncle, who also works at the office, although in the Global IT department. Are you keeping up at the back there? Good.

    A few days after I finish work, my old friend from college Peter hits me up on MSN and asks 'Did you work at the Body Shop?'. When I reply yes, it turns out that he also works there, covering someone on Maternity leave, and in fact sits opposite my uncle. Small world indeed.

    Flash forward to mid-September. I get a call from my Uncle, who informs me that my friend Peter is being transferred to a different department and they need a replacement pronto. I'm already on the system, my Uncle knows I'm available on short notice and beleives that I would be a person for the job, so asks me if I'm interested. I say 'Sure, why not?' and he gets back in touch with his manager, who tells him 'So get a CV!'. This gets back to me, and I have to run to the PC and get one typed up, 'cause I lost the last one in the Grand Reformat of '06.

    Somehow the CV (in all its glory) gets to my Uncle's boss, who looks at it and says 'Ok, let's get him in for an interview'. So they do - that very Friday afternoon. My uncle has to take a break, drive over and pick me up, which was 'fun'. Anyway, I get there, we go through the interview, I somehow manage to convince them I'm not a complete loser and they offer me the job. I start at the Global Service Desk (It's a big fancy way of saying Internal Tech Support') on Monday.

    And that's the story of how I got the job. but wait! It's not over! The fun continues, as I'm replacing Peter, but he has to train me, since having an untrained monkey loose on the phones probably wouldn't help anyone. So an arrangement is made. Peter will spend the mornings training me, and after lunch he goes over to his new boring job. Glee.

    After two weeks, he abandons me for his new totally uninteresting role. My Uncle is off all over the place installing new software, and the other guy on the department - let's call him Craig, since that's his name - actually wants to switch departments, 'cause he's had enough and he'll quit if he isn't given the chance to do something more interesting. So he gets an interview and is transferred, meaning Peter now has to move back to replace HIM. So now it's me (the n00b), Peter (the guy who knows stuff) and my Uncle (if he's around) taking and solving technical calls from people all over the place.

    Meanwhile, we're replacing our old call logging software (It's called Touchpaper - if you've heard of it, you share my pain) with a newer, flashier version. That's generally a good thing, right? Well, not for us - it sucks.

    We're the Beta testers, if you will, and it's not the most stable of software. My Uncle, who is the Touchpaper 'expert', for lack of a better word, is constantly solving peoples problems with the software and getting in touch with the guys who created the software. The software often crashes without warning. If it doesn't, it's uber-slow and takes an age to create a new 'call', or to find an old one. And when you've got people on the phone, that's not particularly helpful.

    In addition, my shifts are a little manic. One week I've be doing 7:45 to 3:45, and the next I'll be on 10:15 to 6:15. And the first week I had my early shift, my parents were on holiday and I had to walk the 30 minute hike to the offices in the cold. And then, because it was so early and they hadn't given me a card, I had to wait for someone else to show up to let me in at all.

    So, in short - it's been a wee bit hectic, and sometimes I'll get a query that's way over my head, but I'm doing okay. Learning as I go, but hanging in there and trying not to piss off people I've left on my stack for three days too much. But hey, apparently I'm good with people, so that's nice. You never really know until someone emails you saying 'Thanks for being such a star'.

    And that, dear people, is why I haven't been here. 'cause by the time I get back from work, that last thing I want to do is spend another minute sat in front of a PC dealing with people I really couldn't give two fingers shaped like a V about. (Kidding. You guys are great and I miss the random babble that brings a smile to my face.) Anyway, normal service resumes February 1st, since my contract ends in January and there is no way in hell I am extending it further.

    Oh, and Monica - this also explains why I've not been on MSN and have been unable to chat to you about Doctor Who. Bad timing, huh? Sorry hun. PM me and I'm sure we can work something out, 'cause I'd love to know what you think of Mr Tennant.

    * - Not actually true, and if you do tell this story to any children you may have, there is something very wrong with you.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Hi! WElcome back! Since I am a kid, I'll tell the story to my parents eh?

    Sooo, I'm glad you're back, and I wanted to ask you if Torchwood is any good, coz you might watch it, y'know.

  3. #3
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Someone cares!

    I do indeed watch Torchwood. It's... well, it's... umm...'s still finding its feet. It's an interesting setup, but so far the plots have had holes you could drive a car through, characters that don't get much to do, some occasional over-acting (see Cyberwoman for a great example of this) and the odd swear-word - because they fucking well can.

    It's a good show though and it has been improving as it goes, so yeah, it's worth catching, even if it's just to see whether you like it or not.
    Also, I know someone who's made a fantastic DVD of the first three episodes, if you're interested. PM me to find out more
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Naww, I'm fine, but thanks for the offer anyway.

    I wanted to ask you about the show because you would be the definitive answer on whether it's a good show or not, and I wasn't really interested. So I'll check it out then. thanks.

    Also, did you know that "Torchwood" is an anagram of "Doctor Who"?

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    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Did you know that when they were ferrying around rough edits of the Eccleston series they had 'Torchwood' written on them to diguise what they actually were? How about the fact that Torchwood had been mentioned 12 times in DW before it appeared in the final two-parter Army of Ghosts/Doomsday? Or that David Tennant had appeared in no less then 3 Big Finish audio Doctor Who adventures before he became the 10th Doctor?

    There is little about the new series of DW that I do not know, and I'm slowly but surely catching up on the classic stuff. Try me. I dare ya.

    And regarding Torchwood - if you are gonna try it, you might wanna start with 'The Ghost Machine', since it's the best one so far (though that may change this Sunday). The one with the Cyberwoman... not as great as you'd imagine.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Okay, thanks for that! :)

  7. #7
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Not a problem.

    Now where the hell is Monica... I wanna hear her thoughts on Mr Tennant...
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

  8. #8
    Lynel Monica's Avatar
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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    *runs in* Hi, DM, sorry I'm late! :) I'm glad you're back!

    As for Mr Tennent, I actually really like him. He's cute, and lovable. Eccelston had his charm and intensity and I miss that soooo much, and his protective attitude toward Rose. But Tennent's Doctor is actually similar to Eccelston's except you were right, they are more like buddies, but it's actually entertaining that way in its own right. :)

    Sorry I totally missed this thread... 6 days ago, geez...I just had foot surgery and it's still not all the way healed, and I haven't been paying much attention...

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    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    You are forgiven, my child...

    I forget, which episode are you guys in the States up to now? It can't be further then The Satan Pit, can it?
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Re: I'm not dead... yet!

    Wow, it feels weird to see them wait for something we've had for ages across the pond. But now I will laugh in their faces! Hahahahaaha!

    Anyway, how is your job going now?

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