Name- Lawrence, Karl, Larry, or fetter. any's fine.
Age- 15
DOB- 10/16/91
BP- Los Angeles, Cally
Fav band- Active = GnarKill or HIM.. Inactive = The Clash or Nirvana
Ethenticity- German, scottish, irish
Pets- i miss my puppy.....
Siblings- half sister who ive never met (19) sister 1 (13) sister 2 (9)
Location- Nor-Cal, near ukiah/fort bragg.... u kno where?
fav movie- Underworld
Occupation- Vampire
Who I am- I'm a vampyre, who sleeps during the day, and hunts during the night....... I'm like the wind, baby.... lol
favorite #- 13

Oh, what the hell.