_L_, if you're clever enough with the subscreen editor and item position properties you can set it so pressing up or down moves you to the other side of the circle. I was just too lazy to do that at the time.
And I'll agree, the layout is a bit cramped. Maybe it's not right for Neofirst, but we have plenty of other subscreens to choose from, right?
Pineconn/Radien, Twilight Princess has a one-up on my circle. As more items are added, it readjusts so that they are equadistant from each other. So, if you have two items one would be on top and the other on the bottom. But, if you got a third item, the one on the bottom would be shifted to the 8:15 position, and a new item would be added at the 3:45 position. ZC is incapable of that.
Radien, don't feel bad. The DoR tileset is beautiful, I just wanted to make different icons for items (For when I make a quest of my own).
Tobias_Daboi, your magic meter is cool. I like the subscreen with the tileblocks better than the 2x2 frames; it's more interesting.