Over AIM

*b*: Erk-
*b*: Forgot the first dungeon is already done x.x
ShadowTiger: I mean I appreciate the thought, and the concept is making me drool, but the dungeons are already planned out, as for what they'll look like.
*b*: Well, I THOUGHT I knew what I was talking about, anyway :p
ShadowTiger: I'm not saying it's a bad idea. :p It just happens that they can't really be applied to NeoFirst at this time.
ShadowTiger: It'd be amazing to see though, like, in another quest or something.
ShadowTiger: I mean, think of the suspense it'd build!
ShadowTiger: ooh now I'm getting all giddy. XD

EDIT: .. *Sees your edit* .. .. Oh. .. Yeah. But it's okay; someone else will use it, and it'll look amazing.