1.) New Combo Type:Cliff-Top < To start the jump
2.) New Combo Type:Cliff < To continue jumping.
3.) New Combo Type:Cliff End < to end the jump.
I don't think 3 new combos like that would be added. Consider the number of people that would actually use that - not many at all. Besides, it really doesn't use any more than one extra map. Heck, you could make it so that it doesn't use any extra maps. But I'm not going to explain the finer details of all that...

4.) Make Link jump over anything solid!!!
Can you say Roc's Feather? Yeah... it ain't happenin'.

Drown=1/4 Heart Loss.
So drowning only makes you lose 1/4 of a heart? I'd say a whole heart would be more realistic.

Not tryin' to be mean with any of this - just statin' what I think (like always).

I'm not sure if this has been said already... but how about Link Raft Tile Mods? I know Gashin said something about move the raft down four pixels and link up four, so maybe this would just be a bit better. Or... in the Quest->Graphics->Sprites->Link, there could be this: Under the water set, there'd be a tab for Raft. And of course, the four boxes for Up, Left, Right, Down; only it's 2x2 tiles each (Or just plain 32x32). That'd be pretty nifty, hehehe... Heck, you could even change the raft item to a sail or something else.