... Ah. Certainly. ... Yeah, it's ... really no simple process.
At least by common means, anyway. °_°
I'm not 100% sure, but I think this will need to be done in order. You won't be able to trigger Warp B before warp A, etc.
So... Okay. You come across this 5x5 pad somewhere. You step on its center, which activates a tiered room secret toward a room I'm about to mention. Then you warp to a scene in space with this same pad, only the four circles on the outside are glowing and the one on the inside isn't. Since this is the first pad you've comes across though, only one circle is glowing. All along this pad are sensitive warps which look like the floor. They warp you to another identical copy of the room, except in this new copy, there's another circle glowing for you to walk on. Each pad you activate on the overworld activates another of these secrets to warp you to yet another identical room, each with more and more circles available to warp to. The sensitive warp allows you to not notice any transition. I hope I was clear enough, ...
Please, someone, ... recolor / renovate that warp pad? :| It's a necessity. Many thanks to anyone who can smooth it out.