Well, I for one have everything else on hold right now, as my AMD PC is kinda in the dumps, (Nobody seems to know what's wrong with it, but it won't turn on at all.) ... And that's sort of my ZC 2.11 machine, so I'm working without any sound or music whatsoever, so any hearable theming I do is done outside of ZQuest / ZC right now. >_<' (Strict Midi in Allegro is restricting me from hearing sound or midis or MP3's and such. At least on this Pentium II Machine.) and I have spring Breaker coming in a few days, (Wednesday.) so I'll be able to rocket progress upward.

BTW, I got those ammo markers in. (Arrow 1, Arrow 5, Arrow 10, Arrow 30, Bomb 1, Bomb 4, Bomb 8, Bomb 30, etc. Lots of 2.11 Beta 10b features as well.

Oh, but .. yeah, .. deadlines for -parts- would be nice. :)

Really though, we NEED a good solid foundation, so I want to import all the elements for the tileset first.