When you visit his very own website or the more informative wikipedia entry you see this guy has a pretty consistent history of making it in the news for doing something controversial. See also: Michael Moore, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Michael Jackson, and several other public figures that are irrelevant until they do something crazy.

Of course, he baited a hook and now the media and gaming community are running with it.

My opinion has been and always will be that some individuals are more sensitive to depictions of violence than others. There is no question that some people commit crimes that copycat films, music, video games, books, and any other form of literature they have been exposed to. These people are defective units and represent an extremely small minority of the American public. It doesn't make the crime go away, but I hardly consider the 5 or 6 GTA copycat crimes that have been publicized out of several million people who play a game a strong correlation between the game and increased criminal activity.

How many kids watched Superman and jumped off of roofs in an attempt to fly? Not enough to stop making Superman. How many kids killed each other mimicing fights from shows such as Power Rangers? I know of at least one case, but that was not enough to cancel the show. There has to be a strong correlation between cause and effect, and the ratio of crimes to sales just doesn't imply a strong relationship.