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Thread: Jman

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    Is there a certain reason this wasn't added in the beta progress report or was it just an oversight?
    this is one of the coolest things since buttered bread, in particular the room reset combo, yet I didn't see it mentioned, had to go back through the old threads and find it to make sure I wasn't dreaming.


    13. Room State Tiering - A mucho grande thanks to PolygonX8 for this suggestion, so be sure to huggle him when he's on IRC

    How it works: You know how to make an event work, you have to make a screen on one dmap, use a kill all enemies flag, make it a boss room, make another room on another dmap a boss room, set up the level numbers, blah blah blah? Well, I'm here to tell you that the Boss flag event method is now completely and totally obsolete! How, you may ask?

    It's actually extremely simple. Every room now has two new properties: a next screen and next map definition. It is editable in the room data in ZQ (incidentally, with this change the screen data has been changed to two tabs: the first holding all the flags and the second consisting of special data like this. Also note that the timed warp tics dialog has been moved to the special data tab). Basically, whenever you pick up an item, trigger a secret, or trigger lock blocks or chests, it will not only save that part of the room state in the current room, but also in the room defined by the new properties. So if screen 10 on map 3 has screen 74 of map 5 defined, triggering secrets on screen 10 map 3 (assuming it's an overworld or cave map) will also set secrets triggered in the subsequent screen, ready for when you enter that screen.

    Drooling? Well I'm not finished yet :)

    When secrets are triggered (or another valid activity, but I'll just use secrets from here on out) on one screen, it triggers the secrets on the subsequent screen. However it doesn't end there. If the subsequent screen has a next map and next screen defined, it will also trigger the secrets in that room as well. If that room has a next map and next screen defined... well, you see where this is going. The chain will continue until a null reference is found, or the screen you're currently on is defined somewhere in the chain.

    Furthermore a loop can be defined for all-encompassing events. Say, on map 1, screen 00 points to 01, 01 points to 02, 02 points to 03, and 03 points back to 00. What will happen is that triggering secrets on any of those 4 rooms will trigger secrets for all of them. This, combined with the wonderful reset combo (HAH, you see, I had a good reason for making that right now :) ) will make stuff like, oh say, red/blue toggle switch dungeons to be possible without having to worry about synchronizing maps. Oh yeah, did I mention that this also works on dungeon doors as well. Unlocking a key door in one room will cause a shutter to open in another room (provided they are on the same side of the screen).

    A few more things still need to be addressed, but this is currently where we stand. And to think, I have some more evil plans laying around that I plan to implement >

    BEAT THAT DN!!! >_> <_< >_> <_<

    j/k ... or am I?

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    Re: Jman


    AGN's Resident Zelda Classic Developer and Sonic the Hedgehog Fanboy

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    Wizrobe Freedom's Avatar
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    Re: Jman



    I ask questions for reasons
    I ask about the features above because I wanted an idea of what to expect in testing them and what to look for.
    I ask about the crashing problem because I wanted to try to make sure that I didn't get a corrupted file downloading that was causing it, since nobody else seemed to be having the problem.
    below in the quotes are your responses, those aren't answers to my way of thinking, IF you want me to test then being more helpful on your part would make the job go better for me, and give you a better idea of what needs fixed.
    If you would prefer I not test, just say the word and I'll resign.
    If I do continue to test, then I'm going to be having MANY more questions, and I'll be looking for them to be answered.

    Am I the only one this version won't let edit, add, grab, or even look at palettes?
    As soon as I hit ok to exit back out it dumps me out.

    Will get to fixing soon enough.

    Is there a certain reason this wasn't added in the beta progress report or was it just an oversight?
    this is one of the coolest things since buttered bread, in particular the room reset combo, yet I didn't see it mentioned, had to go back through the old threads and find it to make sure I wasn't dreaming.


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    Re: Jman

    jman was sick when he released the beta, give him a break. though, I don't quite get what the 'because... ...' was about

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    Re: Jman

    I can't answer what I don't know. The palette grabbing thing was confirmed by a few people if I recall, so I made the simple answer of saying I'd fix it. Because I didn't have anything else to say, as I had no idea at the time what was causing that.

    As for this topic, I didn't put it in the beta reports because I wasn't planning on copying that post verbatim. I was planning to rewrite that. As for the 'because' response, I'm not going to lie and say i wasn't in a bad mood at the time and wasn't just the slightest bit indignant at this question despite the fact that there was nothing really wrong with it. For that I apologize.

    Finally, don't be so dramatic. This program is far too trivial in the whole scheme of things to start getting anxious over, and it's going to happen that you ask a question that I do not have an answer to at the time. So why reply, you may ask? It's certainly better than leaving it open and having you wonder whether I acknowledged the report or not.
    AGN's Resident Zelda Classic Developer and Sonic the Hedgehog Fanboy

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    Re: Jman

    Quote Originally Posted by jman2050
    Finally, don't be so dramatic. This program is far too trivial in the whole scheme of things to start getting anxious over, and it's going to happen that you ask a question that I do not have an answer to at the time. So why reply, you may ask? It's certainly better than leaving it open and having you wonder whether I acknowledged the report or not.
    I didn't mean to be short with you Jman, but the truth is I've been treated in a pretty rude manner since I first came here a few years ago, and now I see they've run off Carrot Red and are trying to run off fatcatfan, both of which have always treated me with kindness and respect.
    I guess I'm getting like the guy that got bit by the Leopard and now sees spots on everything, I see rudeness everywhere in some cases where it doesn't exist.

    ZC information I've compiled and my quests
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