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Thread: Rare titles

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    Rare titles

    Do any of you know of any rare video game titles? I am not talking about games that no one has played in a while, or titles you may have missed out on. I am talking about games you never heard of until recently and thought, "wow, i never new that existed." There is one such game that i found for the nes, and it was developed by a company called Panesian i think. Its called Bubble Bath Babes, and was released in '91 by this unauthorized publisher.

    Since it came out in '91, it didnt get much press because the nes was already going dead by then due to the snes that came out a year earlier. Here is a link to get a shot of the game. (i didnt want to add the pic becuase i dont know rules on fourm pics.) I guess i should rate this game AO so Hillary Clinton wont go on capital hill to fight my thread.,112354/

  2. #2
    Misanthrope Daarkseid's Avatar
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    Re: Rare titles

    I think most people are well introduced to bubble bath babes. In fact, I recall hearing about said game way back in 1993. It was probably featured in a magazine then.

    Pornographic games aren't really anything new. They tended to be unlicensed and usually produced by obscure, unknown and often times talentless game companies, whose only real achievement was coming up with a method of disabling Nintendo's lockout chip so they could get their stupid software to run on it. The Atari 2600 had some pretty bad porno games too, although that system had no protection against unauthorized games, and thus most third party software was already unlicensed.

    Furthermore, Bubble Bath Babes got the press it deserved, which was little because it was unlicensed, and around the time of it's release(if '91 is correct), Nintendo was actually cracking down on unlicensed games. And the NES was actually far from dead in the wake of the SNES' release.

    Unlike today's console cycles, where developers are givin kits to make sure that games are available on the launch of a new system, thus quickly spurring a movement to the next generation of consoles(and this in turn reduces support of the old console), the NES still had massive market share around the time of the SNES' release(remember, the NES at it's peak 90% of the market). It actually made more sense for developers at the time to keep making games for the NES(or move to the Genesis, which they did actually), because the newly released SNES wasn't in that many homes. A good indication of this was an issue of NP from 1992, the year after the SNES debuted, in which the list of upcoming NES games was actually larger than the list of upcoming SNES games, and by a huge margin. The NES continued to have major releases into 1994, almost a full three years after the SNES came out.

  3. #3
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Rare titles

    Wow. I didn't know that. I guess that's what happens when you're about 8 when a new console is released - you don't really care.

    Rare games? Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Goldeneye... :p

    It's a little hard to find rare games these days (no pun intended) because of the numberous different ways of obtaining them. If you can't get your hands on the actual cartridge/disc/whatever, then there's always emulation. That sai, I am a little disapointed that Chrono Trigger and Super MArio RPG didn't make it to Europe, so I guess you could say those are rare over here.
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