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Thread: Link's Evil Twin?

  1. #1
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    Link's Evil Twin?


    These pics are AMAZING! I especially like the last one, as it would be awesome for a new "Evil Twin" boss.

    Let me make up a story for the new zelda game:
    --Link gets a letter from the Prince (a new character in the series) to meet him in the castle. Upon going there, he finds that the castle has gone up in flames, thus link must carefully maneuver around the castle, avoiding flaming obstacles. When he reaches the prince, he tells of how a "mysterious figure" came and set fire to the castle and kidnapped princess Zelda. From there, the story gradually unfolds and eventually link learns of his evil twin brother, who has become a leader of an evil tribe (the tribe plays a huge role in the horseback battles many times during the game) Link must travel to various temples to slay the boss monsters deep within them and then recover the various "Legendary Blade" parts, in order to put together the Legendary master sword, which has been broken by Link's "Twin", as somehow, it is the only weapon that can defeat Link's "Twin".

    Link's twin is a very difficult final boss; First, he tries to hit link with his own sword, as well as arrows from a distance. Hit him so many times, and eventually he himself uses golden arrows, which you can reflect back at him or use your own golden arrows to stun him and then hit him with the master sword. He is very fast and can do various sword combo attacks. After so much fighting, this twin eventually calls out his evil horse, and will fight on horseback, trying to trample link. You must use various methods to try and knock him off his horse and then hit him. At a certain point, Link can then ride his own horse and the very last part of the game ends on horseback, riding around in a dark field. When defeated, the evil twin falls off his horse, then the horse falls ontop of him. Link dismounts and slowly walks over to his twin, and pulls the evil horse off of him. He turns the twin over on his back, so as to discover his twins face, which suddenly seems so familiar, and innocent.

    During a night of celebration for having the evil-doer slayed, link is distraught, and is seen staring off into the space. Zelda approaches him, saying that he had to do what he did. Link walks over to what appears to be the evil doer's grave. He bends before the grave as a sign of respect, as if to pray. Then suddenly, link jumps up quickly and thrusts his sword into the evil brother's grave stone, and his a close up reveals an evil glow in Link's eyes himself. Perhaps this could be the very end, leaving it very open-ended, and leaving the player to wonder what shall happen next--perhaps leading to a sequel. An alternate scene is that when Link bends down, the evil twin rises from the grave, perhaps a truly final boss fight begins with a reincarnated version of the evil twin.
    My Zquest Tutorial
    tutorial document

    Working on a quest, I swear i'll finally finish one, one of these days!

    --Overworld: 60% done
    --Dungeons: 0% done
    --Misc: 0% done

  2. #2
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    Re: Link's Evil Twin?

    Your story isn't making my ocarina toot.

    Nice mock-ups though, I guess.

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