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Thread: Unofficial 3rd quest

  1. #11

    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Believe it or not, I joined these forums simply to reply to this topic. I was going to join it eventually though, so I can announce my quests here.

    Anyway, The arrows are in the room with the Aquamentus. You have to push a block to the right. However, I can't find the freaking bow. Can anyone help?

    edit: never mind, I found the bow. If anyone needs to know, you can find it by walking through the bottom wall in the room with lots of Gibdos. (the one with the passageway to the Pols Voice room)

    I'm currently having trouble in level 4. Not only did I lose my shield, but I can't figure out what to do. I found the Magic Boomerang, the heart piece, and the compass, but I still need the map and I'm assuming the stepladder. Also, I found a whole bunch of heart pieces and money by burning every tree on every screen where I found no warps, using the whistle on every screen, and bombing a few places. I found two 100 rupee rooms, three 25 rupee rooms, four pay for the door rooms, a store, a potion store, and the Magical Sword. That is in addition to the 13 heart pieces I found - 6 of which were from levels 1-4 and the two cave places.

    On an actually useful note, how do you make it so the whistle only makes stairs when you're standing on a certain spot? This happens on "the pitcher's mound" - the entrance to level 4. ...Wait a second, I just looked in ZQuest and saw the Whistle flag. What the hell? While working through 2 entire quests and helping on another, I have never noticed that flag. Ever.

  2. #12
    Wizrobe Foxx's Avatar
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    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Hmmm, now that this topic has been brought back, I should mention that I ran into a place where the other 3rd quest entries have been kept. If you go here you will be able to find the 4 most obscure 3rd quest entries (the ones not made by Glenn, TSA or AlphaDawg). You never know what you'll bump into, when you mulch around on the web.


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  3. #13

    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    So I'm playing that unofficial third quest by AlphaDawg.
    It's only the second custom quest I've seriously played, the first one being the official third quest, which I completed.
    I have 12 hearts, 5 triforce pieces, the magical sword, and I've been trying levels 6 and 7, and I keep getting destroyed by hordes of Wizzrobes and Blue Darknuts, mostly because I don't have a blue ring. So my question is, is it normal to not have a blue ring by this point? I have found the shop that sells a blue ring for 300 rupees, but I can't buy the ring because I can't carry more than 255 rupees. Did I miss something somewhere (like a rupee carrying capacity increase), or do I just need to improve on my Darknut and Wizzrobe fighting techniques?

    Thank you!

  4. #14
    Patra vegeta1215's Avatar
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    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Quote Originally Posted by muffin
    So my question is, is it normal to not have a blue ring by this point? I have found the shop that sells a blue ring for 300 rupees, but I can't buy the ring because I can't carry more than 255 rupees. Did I miss something somewhere (like a rupee carrying capacity increase), or do I just need to improve on my Darknut and Wizzrobe fighting techniques?

    Thank you!
    Yeah, there's a bigger wallet somewhere. It's been so long since I've played this quest (like 4 years) so I can't remember where it is specifically. But, once you get the bigger wallet, get the blue ring asap! It will help a lot.

    Later in the game you will get the mirror shield (if you can find it ), and afterwards, Blue Wizzrobes are a piece of cake cause you can send their magic right back at them! Darknuts take a lot of practice. Do you know the Darknut flip trick you can do with the wand? It is invaluable in the later dungeons (esp level 9)

  5. #15

    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Quote Originally Posted by vegeta1215
    Yeah, there's a bigger wallet somewhere. It's been so long since I've played this quest (like 4 years) so I can't remember where it is specifically. But, once you get the bigger wallet, get the blue ring asap! It will help a lot.
    Thanks a lot! :) It turns out that the bigger wallet was in level 3, but I had somehow missed it. Today, I went back to some of the earlier dungeons to see if I had missed something, and I got lucky - level 3 was the first one I tried. I now feel bad that I had to beat levels 4, 5 and almost all of 6 without the blue ring, even though I could have had it. But after getting the blue ring, what was left of level 6 became a piece of cake.

    Quote Originally Posted by vegeta1215
    Darknuts take a lot of practice. Do you know the Darknut flip trick you can do with the wand? It is invaluable in the later dungeons (esp level 9)
    No, I don't know that trick.

  6. #16
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    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    hehe, yeah, for AlphaDawg's quests you really have to take his word (from his README) about pushing every block in every room. Even after beating the game (and the bonus level he added later) I still missed one heart piece.

    Quote Originally Posted by muffin
    No, I don't know that trick.
    Okay, here's the trick.

    Once you have the wand, when a Darknut is walking right towards you, use your wand to hit his shield, and then push the controller in the direction opposite to the one you're facing. If done right, you will flip the Darknut over your shoulder, and do a little damage to him!

    This comes in handy in tight spaces, esp in level 9 of the Unofficial Third Quest near the mirror shield room btw, once you flip the Darknut "over your shoulder", be cautious cause they often turn around and come right back for you. (but you can keep flipping them over)

  7. #17
    Keese Odanaki's Avatar
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    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Thank you Foxx for your last reply. I'm 2 weeks late! But thanks again, that is what I was looking for. By the way, if I remember well, some of those 3rd Quests were quite hard.

  8. #18
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    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    I only got as far as level 6 in AD's UTQ. Those rooms stuffed with blue darknuts were just too annoying.

  9. #19
    Wizrobe Foxx's Avatar
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    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Odanaki
    Thank you Foxx for your last reply. I'm 2 weeks late! But thanks again, that is what I was looking for. By the way, if I remember well, some of those 3rd Quests were quite hard.
    Ah, you're welcome, glad my post finally found its target. If you're looking for one that isn't terribly hard, I recommend Aegis Runestone's quest. It won't beat you down (the way, say, TSA's did), but it doesn't feel like a very "authentic" 3rd quest either. If you play it, you'll know what I mean. But it's still a good quest in its own right. Just a heads up, though: you'll need to buy a few keys.


    "Do not mess with me; you have NO idea who you are dealing with. Those who DO know me know that I am not one with whom to tangle." -- Master Hacker/Dark Nation

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  10. #20

    Re: Unofficial 3rd quest

    Quote Originally Posted by vegeta1215
    Okay, here's the trick.

    Once you have the wand, when a Darknut is walking right towards you, use your wand to hit his shield, and then push the controller in the direction opposite to the one you're facing. If done right, you will flip the Darknut over your shoulder, and do a little damage to him!

    This comes in handy in tight spaces, esp in level 9 of the Unofficial Third Quest near the mirror shield room btw, once you flip the Darknut "over your shoulder", be cautious cause they often turn around and come right back for you. (but you can keep flipping them over)
    Thanks a lot! I'm assuming that this can be done with other enemies. The other day, I was fighting Like Likes using the wand, and I (unintentionally) did something that looks a lot like what you described.

    I'm making progress. I have 8 triforce pieces, 15 hearts, the flippers and the hint to find level 9. Hopefully I can find it tomorrow.

    The Mirror Shield that you're talking about looks like a great item! I'm looking forward to using it to kick some Wizzrobe butt. I'm wondering, though: what happens to the Mirror Shield when you get caught by a Like Like?

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