I came up with a couple suggestions, but im not sure if they are possible to easily add in.

1) Allow for pages 0-5 in tiles. Having only 2 pages is very limiting. Same for combos.
2) Customized GUI colors should affect the entire GUI, not just the menu bar. should also affect the player.
3) Very basic tile grabbing functonality, even if it's only 1, 2, 4, or 8 bit .bmp files. If not .bmp, pcx.

I will be making a list of what numbers can be used for gui_fg, and gui_bg, and the colors they represent, for those who don't want to keep trying random numbers to get the results they want.

I might also try making a quest with it. It seems quite easy to use.

EDIT: GUI colors list can be found here for those who want to look at it: http://filespace.org/Questwizard88/guicolor.txt