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Thread: THe convention, and Eeebis, God of ass

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    Lynel Ibis, God of Magicks's Avatar
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    THe convention, and Eeebis, God of ass

    Well fuck. I just wrote this long ass post, and hit something and lost it. Now I have to fucking do this again… :p

    For all you little fucks that didn't get to go, I'm recapping my experiences. I would like to point out that I only slept for about 6 hours the whole weekend, so right now my memory is bad, and I can’t really remember an order. It’s just a blur of memories and laughter.

    There was a campfire, and sitting around the fire came to be known as being in Chat. You can tell we’re a bunch of geeks, doing chat actions, entering leaving chat. Lol, we even had a ‘chat log’ … that was eventually burned… Goat was telling us all kindsa stories and shit. All of them happening way back when, like, two years ago. Start talking about recent shit :p

    Mini golf. Know, let me tell you, this mini golf course sucked goat balls. 18 holes, and I swear three of them were the exact same. No, seriously. There were no cool props, no windmills, nothing. Pretty basic. And the carpet was coming up in clumps and there were rocks and shit. You really didn’t know where your ball was gonna go. I don’t remember all of who played. I remember me, Jemsee, goat, and SB. Me and Jemsee were pretty much tied until that one course.. (cusses under his breath) he eventually won, with me in second down by like two strokes. Goat made a pretty remarkable comeback with two holes in one in a row.

    The ZC carnival, that was pretty cool, I’ll let Jemsee fill you in that since it was his baby.

    The kareokee (sp?) contest, hey at least I can pronounce it. :p Again, I’ll let someone else fill you in on that one.

    All in all, it was like being in chat for three days, just joking around, having fun, laughing. Most of the stuff I can’t even explain, you just had to be there.

    So, I took this pepsie, and shook it up, hard. And sat it down to hit it with a golf club. Thinking it would like, explode, So I swung, and bamb, cut it in half. The bottom part didn't move, but the top just flew like, straight up, it was HIGHlarioius!

    Now that I’ve met some of the people are at AGN, I’d like to say a few words about some of the people.

    Moo! You are so fucking cool. Just remember when people are lying down, they usually have a different view on what is happen :p

    Zorch, do something!

    SB is cool. Very cool. And never play him in Magic, your just asking for an ass whooping. I don’t know how you slept on that pic-nic table for so long, and I want to know just how many pictures were taken of you when were asleep. I'm never playing Magic with you again. And mad props for being the only one to get my obscure movie quotes.

    Ganonator, you have a very nice ass. Just a lot of fun to be around, when your not puking.

    Mattwdr, you were so much more interesting than I thought you’d be. I hope to see you in chat sometime, and I hope you enjoy the Master Quest.

    Goat, you make everything seem more fun. More worth while. You really need to come back and post more.

    Kryten, another person who was much more interesting that I expected. Do you still have my dollar?

    Cyd, I didn’t really get to see much of you, something I plan on rectifying. I know you were tired, and I thank you for all the help you gave to making this convention happen.

    Missy, what a hottie, and in Camo no less. someone else I didn’t get to see much of, again, I know you were tired, and I am so grateful for all you did this weekend.

    Zaph, is just the same in real life as he is in chat. Can’t wait till next time, and who says we have to wait a year? J And thank you for all the shit you did for this weekend.

    Foxy, Well, know I know where your name comes from, pictures do not do her justice. I totally can't wait to talk to you in chat.

    J.J. Now here's a fox. Its hard to keep your wits about you when he takes his shirt off. You could just look at him, and know he's about to say something funny.

    Well, that’s all I can really remember right now, I may go back and add some stuff in. It was a blast, and a well needed vacation. I feel so happy and alive. Thanks to everyone there for a great weekend.

    If I left anyhting out, just yell at me, and I'll fix it, still don't remember much of sat night. :)
    He that is blind to the world around him, shall see no Evil.

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    Wizrobe Foxy's Avatar
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    70.12%'re so sweet!! It was awesome to finally get to meet you! Next time, we'll have to talk a bit more. There's just so much to do and so little time at the conventions....

    ~@~ Proud mom to Jonathan Michael (May 31, 2002) and Noah Matthew (November 19, 2004) ~@~

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    Patra Gerudo's Avatar
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    man, and there are STILL stories you left out, lol

    liek the pop can...

    he decides to shake up a full can of pop for like, 10 minutes, then gets me, zorch, and kryten to go out back... i start recording with my digicam, and he smacks this can with a golf club...

    the bottom jsut sits there... the top flew up a good 20 ft and landed like 15 ft away... it was awesome

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    Wizrobe Foxy's Avatar
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    Re: THe convention, and Eeebis, God of ass

    Originally posted by Ibis, God of Magicks
    Mini golf. Know, let me tell you, this mini golf course sucked goat balls. ...And the carpet was coming up in clumps and there were rocks and shit. You really didn’t know where your ball was gonna go. sure did suck! And I've got the pics to prove it...

    ~@~ Proud mom to Jonathan Michael (May 31, 2002) and Noah Matthew (November 19, 2004) ~@~

    Looking for Avon? I've got the goods! Visit!

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    Wizrobe Goat's Avatar
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    The best part of the convention was the karaoke. There were 5 of us who sang. Kryten, JJ, Gannonator, Ibis, & myself. I sang Britney Spears - Baby One More Time & Gannon sang N*Sync - It's Gonna Be Me. This enabled us to tie for first place. So we have a tie breaker. I sing Offspring - Pretty Fly For A White Guy, but y'all know what that dick sings? The Weather Girls - It's Rainin Men!!! How am I supposed to defeat a gay guy in a karaoke contest when he sings that, POPPYCOCK!!! He won anyways.

    I was such a huge whore this weekend too. Friday evening I slept in teh same bed as Gannon, and Saturday I slept in the same bed as MattWDR. So I gotta sleep with 2 sexy, sexy guys.

    Like Ibis did, I wanna do a rundown of everyone.

    Ibis - Fucking dick head. Your magic tricks made me feel like I was 8 years old. He definently did an act of Intellectual Intercourse on me.

    Zorch - You were great, I heart you. My "Zorch, do something!" line seems to be forever part of AGN.

    Kryten - At karaoke when you sang that Bee Gees song, It was great. You show up and I'm like hey, you were doing Galaga or something and you're like no FF3pc and I'm like oh, ya, it was funny.

    Foxy - Loved the hair! That's all I can say without JJ beating me.

    JJ - Loved the hair! That's all I can say without Foxy beating me.

    Jemsee - Very innovative. Had great things for us to do all weekend.

    Gannonator - I love you in a very homoerotic way *wink* You were great man. I got bummed a few times and you totally made my weekend.

    MattWDR - Totally not what I expected, You were awesome. When you arrive teh first thing you do is hang out with me, that was cool cause when I get to know everybody I'm real out going, but when I dont know them, I'm real shy and quiet. You were one fo the reasons I got to have so much fun.

    Shadowblazer - You've been my online best friend for about 3 years now, and actually getting to hang out with you in person again was great. It's an online joke that we're father and son and shit, but I really do look up to you and consider you my mentor.

    Amber - Loved your accent.

    Alex Max - Totally not what I expected. It was great having you running around cause you're albino, if that makes any sense.

    Alex's Mom - You were awesome. I've talked to so many people about you and we all agree you were great and how lucky Alex is. Next time we have convention you must be there.

    Moocow - You've been one of my best friends, online and IRL for a long time. Love ya kid.

    Gerudo - You totally saved my ass this weekend homie. I wasn't gonna get to go, which bummed me, but you gave me a ride. I am forever your sex slave.

    CK - Desert Storm Barbie!!!!!!! Didn't get to hang out with you as much as I did last year and as much as I wanted for that matter, but you're great and i heart ya.

    Zaph - My hero! It's always so cool when I'm around you, cause I'm a pretty freaky guy, and you outdo me in so many ways, gives me competition. Next time you see me I'm gonna have a lock in my dick! Great job tho.

    Zaph & CK - You two were awesome. I heard alot of talk about moving convention, but I will not attend any convention that you two do not host. If it ends up somewhere else next year, I'm just gonna drive down to your guys' house for the weekend.

    Ok, I'm done, anyone whos name I did not list I apologize. There were alot of us, and it was hard rememebring everyone.

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    Wizrobe J.J. Maxx's Avatar
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    Yes, and JJ and Mattwdr tied for first place and had to go to a 'sudden death' hole starting with Hole 1 again. I got a hole in one and his just missed it so it was a nail-biter down to the end. I think our final score was a 46.

    Matt and I were pretty competitive the whole weekend. He roxx0r'd my arse at croquet but I had some great moments. (Like one turn I racked up 7+ strokes!)

    Anywho, Just wanted to add my 2 cents.

  7. #7
    Lynel Ibis, God of Magicks's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Goat

    Ibis - Fucking dick head. Your magic tricks made me feel like I was 8 years old. He definently did an act of Intellectual Intercourse on me.

    Alex Max - Totally not what I expected. It was great having you running around cause you're albino, if that makes any sense.

    Alex's Mom - You were awesome. I've talked to so many people about you and we all agree you were great and how lucky Alex is. Next time we have convention you must be there.
    I'm geekin off that quote.

    Alex, sorry I forgot ya, buddy, but thats how I feel about you to.

    And Alex's Mom, you were truly awesome.
    He that is blind to the world around him, shall see no Evil.

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    Patra moocow's Avatar
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    Let's see...

    Eeebis, God of Ass - You freakin' rock, dude. No, really. And, you're the only one who got to see up my shirt, congrats

    Zorch - You did do something... you attempted to lick my toes... and for that I apologize Anyway, you were cool as hell. I shoulda stuck you in my pocket and took you home with him.

    AlexMax - YOU'RE GLOWING! *giggles* You're a cool kid :)

    Mrs. Max - OMG YOU'RE SO COOL! Really! You're a really cool mom, Alex is a lucky kid!

    DragonFang - Very quiet kid, but you're still cool. Glad you came!

    Balzac - You were much quieter than I imagined.

    Amber - You were much more talkative than I imagined. *lol*

    Shadowblazer - I love you man. Really, I do. Like, lots. I'd marry you if Tina didn't already have you. That bitch.

    mattwdr - *matt walks up to everyone standing around the cars* *Foxy and moocow stare, then look at each other and say "Who's that!?"* Yeah, you're fuckin hot. Even though I don't have a chance, you know, being ten years too old and female... sorry man You were cool as hell though. I felt a lot more comfortable around you than I thought I would That's a good thing.

    JJ Maxx - Dude. You're sexy. *giggles* What more is there to say?

    Foxy - I love you so much! How many people (other than JJ) can say that they've slept with Foxy? *raises her hand and notices everyone get quiet and look at the floor* Oh yeah, that's what I thought, bitches. I miss you and JJ lots, Foxy. I hope I get to come see you again before the summer is over.

    Gerudo - No. 'Nuff said

    Jemsee - You're a really cool guy. It was so sweet of you to do things to make sure everyone had something to do and no one got bored.

    Kryten - You just rock, dude.

    Ganonator - Jack Daniels tastes just as good coming up as it does going down. Remember that You're such a cool guy. I can officially say that I've been groped and molested by a gay guy. Remember man, we gotta go to NY sometime! I miss you!

    Psycho Cyd - You're really really cool. I had fun buttering corn with you... *giggles* Really though, you're a cool person. Kitty is lucky to have ya!

    Zaph and Kitty - I appreciate and respect you both SO much. You worked so hard and put out tons of money to make this weekend great and you did a kick ass job. I really had a lot of fun, and I want to thank you for that. You guys rock. Thank you so so so much! Oh, and Kitty, you are the sexiest Desert Storm Barbie ever. Zaph... You're cool, scary at times, but cool :)

    Did I forget anyone?
    Things to do today:
    1. Get up.
    2. Survive.
    3. Go back to bed.

  9. #9
    Wizrobe Goat's Avatar
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    Originally posted by moocow
    How many people (other than JJ) can say that they've slept with Foxy? *raises her hand and notices everyone get quiet and look at the floor* Oh yeah, that's what I thought, bitches. I miss you and JJ lots, Foxy. I hope I get to come see you again before the summer is over.
    Well I can say I slept with Ganonator!!!!! BEAT THAT WOMAN!!!

  10. #10
    Patra moocow's Avatar
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    Ganonator molested me... a lot... and I saw Foxy shirtless. I win :)
    Things to do today:
    1. Get up.
    2. Survive.
    3. Go back to bed.

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