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Thread: Muchmany Questionishness

  1. #1
    Broken Thanatos

    Muchmany Questionishness

    Hrmn... I followed through the Tutorial, but I'm still having problems with Zquest, most of which at the following:

    A) How do you change Midis on the same Map? Not only for Boss rooms, but for overworlds as well. (Because Link shouldn't strut to CastleVania-inspired techno as he walked through his quiet, peaceful hometown.) This one I have NO Idea over.

    B) Bushes. It's easy enough to create a Bush and Assign it to Slash-->Item, but I don't think that uprooted plants usually leave a solid block of bittersweet red when you chop them down (Then again, who ever heard of a lonely little Elf Saving a helpless princess from an Anthropomorphic Pig with a thing for Shiny Triangles?)

    C)This probably has the same thing to do with question B, but how to you Burn a Bush and not have Stairs appear under it? Is this Layering, again? (Step-by-Step Processes would be greatly 'ppreciated)

    And Finally:

    D) Is it possible to create a Mixture of Dungeon and Overworld-type rooms on the same Map? The same Square-shaped rooms are getting a little old.

    Danke, and all who help will, of course, have muchmany good Karma. :moo:

  2. #2
    Broken Thanatos
    Er- one addition to question D)-...
    The 'invisible wall' that link will run into even if you don't put a wall there (Assigning doors and such.) Is there any way to move between rooms without doing that? And, is it possible to have a locked room in the overworld?

    Now you will have muchMUCHmany good Karma. :moo:

  3. #3
    Patra Jigglysaint's Avatar
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    Okay, before I attempt to answer your questions, remember that there is an edit button below your post. At AGN we don't double post.

    Okay, If you want more than one midi on a map, you need to make a warp going from one d-map to another, with only change, the midi. So everything would be the same except for the music, understand?

    Bushes, you have to set the undercombo for each screen(or set it for all screens if you want). You need to do this if you are making pushable blocks, armos statues, or slashable bushes. Also, a little trick I coined about a year ago is put flag 10 on the bush(or you could make it a treasure chest with the open chest being the undercombo), and set up the room data so there's a special item(the same way you would make a cave with somthing like a sword in the overworld). You slash the bush(or chest), and you get an item!

    For the next bit, make sure that the combo you want to appear after you burn the bush is somewhere on page 83. Now, go to secret combos and select that combo where it says "burn". Also, you can have 16 more tiles change if you use flag 4 combined with flag 16-31.

    The next two options are advanced and require you to have some experence with the zquest engine and good d-map manitulation skills. Use your imagination and see if you can find a way to do it with what you know. Also, doors only work in the dungeon type d-maps so no, no locked doors for now.
    The name might be missleading, I'm not jigglypuff.

    "...A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible."
    Second Nephi 29:3

  4. #4
    Broken Thanatos
    Mmph... Sorry about that, first day and all, you know... I'll remember that though. The Edit button, thing.

    I hadn't quite figured out the Under Combo thing though, thanks for clearing that up- still working out the Midi bugs though. -cringes- One month later have the basics at least, though. :moo:

  5. #5
    Patra Jigglysaint's Avatar
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    Hey, we all start at some point. Probaibly the only person who didn't ask a Zquest editor help question was Phantom Menace himself.
    The name might be missleading, I'm not jigglypuff.

    "...A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible."
    Second Nephi 29:3

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