that would require a webcam and a dads might be good for that becuase its p1 with no network card, good for little else (like Lan parties, ect).
I'd need to network it to one with a satelite feed thoiugh.......................
that would require a webcam and a dads might be good for that becuase its p1 with no network card, good for little else (like Lan parties, ect).
I'd need to network it to one with a satelite feed thoiugh.......................
In the eyes of the Ranger, you'd best be on your best behavior.
Zeo: @8ball will I kill any idiots today?
WBBot: The Magic 8 Ball answers: Cannot predict now.
"ALL cats have an attitude problem, just most have figured out humans are better at the game." ~Zeo
Sephor: Zeo for President of U.S.A!!!
NoKill completed list: (excluding easy crap like MM2 GB)
Z 1(2nd) &2, Mario1(Nowarp), MM1-4+6, SuperMetriod
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