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Thread: problems with heart-containers

  1. #1

    problems with heart-containers

    i have some questions about heart-containers:
    how can i make appear the pieces (1of4, 2of4, etc) in the subscreen? i already assigned one by quest/sprites and it counts if Link collects them, but they don't appear in the subscreen. (i tried to color them with different pallettes - no effect)
    also i marked the 24 heart-container flag but Link stops collecting at 16? (it's a zelda classic v1.92 game)

    if i use the golden arrow link uses always the up-tile for the arrow for each direction. is this a bug? (and if i check the sparkles rule they happen to reappear until i reenter the screen - is there a special tile?) and if he wears the golden ring he's totally black. do i have to use a special color set?

    and how do i use the magic upgrade (the one that doubles the magic)? is there a sprite/item?

    i hope my questions aren't too stupid

  2. #2


    ps: and what does the black dot on my post mean?


  3. #3
    OMNOMNOM 4matsy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mr_trick
    [B]how can i make appear the pieces (1of4, 2of4, etc) in the subscreen? i already assigned one by quest/sprites and it counts if Link collects them, but they don't appear in the subscreen. (i tried to color them with different pallettes - no effect)
    Go to the tile editor and make the four tiles you want to use for the subscreen. Put them side-by-side, in this order from left to right: empty, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4.

    Then go to Quest -> Misc data -> Map styles, and click the box marked "HCP". Then choose the first (empty) tile.

    And make sure the "New Subscreen" quest rule is checked.
    Originally posted by mr_trick
    [B]also i marked the 24 heart-container flag but Link stops collecting at 16? (it's a zelda classic v1.92 game)

    I have no idea what may have went wrong there. Try unchecking the rule, saving the quest, rechecking it, and saving again; I believe that might fix it.
    Originally posted by mr_trick
    [B]if i use the golden arrow link uses always the up-tile for the arrow for each direction. is this a bug? (and if i check the sparkles rule they happen to reappear until i reenter the screen - is there a special tile?)
    Nah. You just didn't set it up right.

    You need two tiles for the arrow right next to each other in the tile editor. The first needs to be facing up, and the second to the right.

    Once that's done, go to Quest -> Sprites -> Weapons/Items and choose "golden arrow" (it's near the bottom of the list, I think). Then choose the first tile (the one facing up).
    Originally posted by mr_trick
    [B]and if he wears the golden ring he's totally black. do i have to use a special color set?
    Yes. Extra Sprite Palette 1, CSets 8 (in-game) and 12 (for the Game Icon on the file select screen).

    You can access the ESPs by going to Quest -> Palettes -> Sprites and clicking on the button for page 1.
    Originally posted by mr_trick
    [B]and how do i use the magic upgrade (the one that doubles the magic)? is there a sprite/item?
    It's a room type. When Link walks into a "magic upgrade" room, he gets the upgrade as soon as the guy is done talking.
    Originally posted by mr_trick
    i hope my questions aren't too stupid
    Oh, no. These are pretty normal questions for just about any newbie here.
    Originally posted by mr_trick
    ps: and what does the black dot on my post mean?
    *looks around* Black dot? Where?

    Oh, and double-posting is usually frowned upon here (unless it's necessary, like if all your text won't fit in one post or something). There's an edit button at the bottom of your post that you can use to edit extra stuff in if you like. :)
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  4. #4
    Wizrobe VEL's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mr_trick
    ps: and what does the black dot on my post mean?

    It means that you posted in that thread.

    Woo hoo, look at the tektites dance!

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  5. #5
    ok, thanks!
    everything works now, but not the golden arrow.
    i tried to use a different tile, save and reuse the original tile - no chance.
    i would like to use the basic arrow (tile 45/46) with my golden colorset (main 11). i went to quest/sprites/misc/golden arrow and assigned tile 45, however if i try to shoot to the left or the right the arrow points up?????

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