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Thread: Layers and Strings

  1. #1
    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    Layers and Strings

    I'd like to know EVERYTHING there is to know about layers and how to implement them in the most expert of ways please.
    Second, I'd also like to know how I can set up a Guy anywhere on my map and when you go up to talk to him, say a certain string. I know this can be done because I've seen it in screenshots of Raichu's new quest using the ML tiles.
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    Wizrobe C-Dawg's Avatar
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    Ok, so you want to know EVERYTHING huh? Yes ma'am! <salute> We are here to serve YOU, Ma'am! In one thread, we will make you and EXPERT on layers!

    Seriously, there are nicer ways to ask for help, lil Darky. And as for layers... there are innumerable uses. You're limited only by your creativity; but here are a few of the more common uses.

    -Masking something below, like an invisible maze. (Think the Dark Palace in Lttp)
    -Covering up Link while he's talking to someone so it looks like he is standing still
    -Multiple floors on the same screen of a dungeon
    -Weather effects
    -Structures link can walk behind (trees, signs)

    If you know how to use layers, these ideas should be self-explainatory. Layers are also involved in more "expert" things like custom bosses, but to be frank, these are things that will be unique to the quest. You should come up with them on your own. Besides, I doubt any quest maker would or should tell you all of the "expert" layer tricks they use; gotta let them have something up their sleeves.

    Ah, but people saying multiple strings. That's easy to explain. Go download Nick's demo of DoE, I'll describe how to make a dude like he does. In his quest, we have a person perched in the middle of the screen, and some obvious squares below him that trigger a conversation. Make tiles that you want to trigger a conversation to be stair combos. What we're gonna do, essentially, it set up a "chain" of rooms that will allow you to cycle through multiple string's worth of conversation. First, make the basic layer. This is the layer of the normal background of the screen. Next, make a layer where you draw the character you want to be talking to you (or use the stock characters if you arn't feeling creative), a picture of Link sitting still, and a little note promting the player to push a direction; down or right are common.

    It is important that, wherever the conversation is initially triggered, the warp destinations in each CHAIN of the conversation are on the LOWER HALF OF THE SCREEN. During text, link gets stuck if he's in the upper half. Just draw the layer with Link in the location he triggers the conversation at, and no player is the wiser.

    Now, make your strings. Say we want our fellow to say four string's worth of stuff. What you want to do is set up four rooms where Link's warp location tile is surrounded by stair combos, and set the tile warps in each to the next in the chain. Make sure the last tile warp in the chain links back to the original room, pre-conversation. Now go in and put the layers you made (base layer, character layer) on each screen on a layer high enough to cover Link.

    Hopefully that was clear enough for you.

    Once again, Darkwang, you seem to be demanding that we make you competent with 1.92's features. Im sorry to say, no one can teach you all of the "expert tricks". You have to just do that yourself.


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    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    and I'm doing a horribly job of it teaching myself as a matter of fact, your explanation totally confused me.
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    Wizrobe C-Dawg's Avatar
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    Dont follow this? Ok... I'll try one more time.

    Your GOAL is to a screen with a happy little NPC sitting there somewhere in the overworld. Then, when Link walks up to him, the NPC says something to Link. After listening to him say something purile, Link is free to go on his way.


    Ok, well heres how you do it.

    First, draw your screen on which the happy little NPC will be. Make it just another screen of your overworld, or whatever.

    Next, draw your happy little NPC there. You CAN just make yourself a Combo with a tile that looks like a person, but I highly reccomend you make a layer for him. NPCs are happier when they get to live on their own layers. Go to some other screen you arnt using for anything, and put all transparent tiles down. Figure out exactly where you want the NPC to appear back on your original screen, and put his combo there. (This also allows you to set up one combo page for all of your NPCs. A good idea.)

    Next, go back to the screen you made first. Set a layer of this screen (it really doesnt matter which one, but it looks best if you set it to layer 1-2) to the map and coordinates of the screen you just put your NPC on. Viola! Now you should see your happy NPC doing his nasty thing on the screen you want him on.

    Now, how to make him talk? We use stair or pit warps. I prefer stair warps, so I'll explain that.

    First, we need to make another layer screen that will be displayed when Link is talking to this jolly fellow. Whats easiest is to copy and paste the second screen you made- the NPC's blank little home- and add a tile that looks like Link in the position you want him to assume while talking to the dude. Also, add a combo that says "Press Right" or something so the player knows he can push a direction to continue. (I'll explain why in a minute)

    Next, we need at least one screen that will contain the text. Copy and paste the first screen you made somewhere else. (If you want to preserve the minimap, make sure you copy and paste it to a location with the SAME coordinates as the original screen). Set guy to Fire (and have the no fire rule on), set String to the message you want displayed, and set Layer 4 or above to be that screen you just made with Link, the dude, and the prompt.

    Next, we need to make it so that Link can move between these screens.

    First, go to the first screen you made. Put some stair combos that look like ground at exactly the location at which you want Link to engage the happy little NPC in conversation about his grandmother or Ganon or whatever. Set the tile warp to be the third screen you made - the one where Link and the dude are set as a layer.

    Next, go to the third screen and set the blue and green destination flags somwhere on the lower half of the screen. It doesnt matter where. Now draw a bunch of stair combos all around these destination flags. This assures that no matter which direction link presses, he'll enter a stair warp. Set the tile warp on this screen to take Link back to the first screen you made, just off of the stair tiles on that screen.

    Now we have an ugly screen with a bunch of stair combos, and seemingly two Links! Cant have that. So we're gonna cover up Link and the stair combos on the third screen with a layer.

    Go to the third screen and set Layer 3 to be the first screen you made.

    And thats it! I hope you followed it this time.


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    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    thanks for all your help and after messing with it about 20 mins or so, I think I'm gonna leave this feature out and like, not include a story, its just too damn confusing. and too much complex work for such a simple thing.
    "If anybody says him/her/it without defining what they're talking about, the conversation is automatically about my p.e.n.i.s. :-D" - Wild Bill
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    Wizrobe C-Dawg's Avatar
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    It only sounds complex becasue I'm going slow and explaining every little step in detail. Its easy to master; takes less than a minute to set up a bunch of screens worth of dialouge. Your player WILL appreciate it...

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    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    but in reality, I don't have a story yet, so I can leave this out, besides, sounds more work than its worth.
    "If anybody says him/her/it without defining what they're talking about, the conversation is automatically about my p.e.n.i.s. :-D" - Wild Bill
    "Design ideas come to me during fetid fits of masturbation." - C-Dawg
    "I want to give NoeL a blowjob! ^_^" - Peteo
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  8. #8
    Wizrobe K-Teclis's Avatar
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    To talk those or read signs use everytime pit combos!!
    That helps very much, because it is harder to do with stair combos...
    Nice to see you again

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