And I think he enjoyed himself!
*** Setzer has joined #AGN
<Setzer> long time no err... annoy huh?
*** Setzer is now known as Iceman2x
<Fiyerstorm> hey iceman
<Iceman2x> sup
<Erasul> omfg
<Iceman2x> do i know you?
<Erasul> no
<Fiyerstorm> no
<Erasul> today has been bad enough
<Iceman2x> o
<Fiyerstorm> im a no posting newbie
<Iceman2x> well, im a bad example, so stay away from me ok
<Fiyerstorm> haha!
<Iceman2x> o.O
<Iceman2x> you you laugh?
*** Fiyerstorm is now known as SlasherCGE
<Iceman2x> why*
<SlasherCGE> hey freak
<Iceman2x> whos a freak
<Iceman2x> where?
<SlasherCGE> no one.
* Iceman2x looks around *
<Iceman2x> =P
<Iceman2x> i came to bring a message!
<SlasherCGE> >=D
<Iceman2x> all puyo puyo gaves rock!
<Iceman2x> games*
<SlasherCGE> ......k
<Iceman2x> like?
<SlasherCGE> nice
<SlasherCGE> was there supposed to be 2 pics? cuz i only saw the second one
<Iceman2x> thnx
<SlasherCGE> the first one is dead
<Iceman2x> see, i still sprite
<Iceman2x> uhh... yea
<Iceman2x> o.O
<Iceman2x> it is?
<moocow> brb
<Iceman2x> no it isnt
<Iceman2x> i just clicked it
<SlasherCGE> ok now it works
<SlasherCGE> it looks ok
<Iceman2x> o, strange
<Iceman2x> thnx
<moocow> back
*** SlasherCGE is now known as Fiyerstorm
<Fiyerstorm> hey moo
<Iceman2x> wb!
<moocow> hi
<moocow> ty
<Fiyerstorm> I dunno where i should make my first post at!
<Iceman2x> general bitching!
<moocow> there is no GB..
<Iceman2x> i know
<Iceman2x> thats why i said it
<moocow> I see
<Fiyerstorm> im so confused
* Iceman2x thinks it would be strange if it was "genital bitching" o.O *
<Erasul> shut the fuck up mother fucker
<Erasul> god damn
<Erasul> thank you
<Iceman2x> your real nice
<Fiyerstorm> i need help
<Iceman2x> sheesh, i wasnt even being annoying yet
<Erasul> the hell you weren't
<Iceman2x> well... compared to ususal
<moocow> hehe
<Erasul> shut fiyerstorm, you stupid newb
<Erasul> *shut up
<Fiyerstorm> :'(
<Fiyerstorm> im gonna report u
<moocow> *giggles*
<Iceman2x> are you breaker in disguise?
<Erasul> fuck off
<NJames> Actually, fiyerstorm isn't a newb
<Iceman2x> i think you are
<Fiyerstorm> wh r u so mean
<Fiyerstorm> whg
<Fiyerstorm> *
<Iceman2x> breaker is a b33ch
<Fiyerstorm> why?
<Fiyerstorm> whats a breaker>
<Iceman2x> because he dun like n00bies
<Iceman2x> breaker=n00b flamer
<Fiyerstorm> n00b?
<Fiyerstorm> im confused i dont know this "slang"
<Iceman2x> newbie
<NJames> newbie
<Fiyerstorm> oh
<Fiyerstorm> wow
*** moocow is now known as Chandrika
*** NJames is now known as TheWhammy
<Iceman2x> o no! its da whammy
<Fiyerstorm> whats a whammy?
<Iceman2x> nightmare
<TheWhammy> The Whammy is from Press Your Luck
* Chandrika feels like doing a random kick/ban on someone..
<TheWhammy> And he takes all your money
<Erasul> *looks in Iceman's direction* *points*
<Iceman2x> nooo! plz no, i dun wanna be kicked/banned
<Chandrika> and look!
<Iceman2x> im being a nice little spammer!
<Chandrika> according to you, you're not even being 'annoying' yet..
*** Fiyerstorm is now known as SlasherCGE
<Chandrika> but you're buggin the fuckin hell outta me
<Chandrika> bye bye
<SlasherCGE> Iceman you are the weakest link
<Iceman2x> i know, arent i being good!
<Erasul> you're not the only one
*** Chandrika sets mode: +b *!*
*** Iceman2x was kicked by Chandrika (Ya'll come back now, y'hear?????///!!!!!111)
<SlasherCGE> GOOD BYE!