Right. While we're speaking of the horrors of zscript, I realized I never mentioned the latest bit I cooked up:
// Pointers are numbers holding a reference to a specific index of a specific
// array. This library deals with the creation and manipulation of pointers.
// Pointers are numbers that are split into 2 parts. The integer portion of
// the number (XXX.0000) is the pointer's index into the zscript array. The
// decimal portion of the number (000.XXXX) is the number of the zscript array
// which the pointer is pointing into.
// All functions, if the array number is 0, will instead treat the integer
// portion as the array number, and assume an index of 0. This lets you treat
// arrays themselves as pointers to their 0 index.

// Creation

// This creates a pointer to a given array. If given a pointer itself, it will
// do nothing and return it instead.
int GP_Pointer(int arg) {
    // If arg is a pointer, just return it.
    if (10000 * (arg % 1)) {return arg;}
    // Otherwise, create a new pointer to the first spot in the array.
    return 0.0001 * arg;}

// This takes an array or a pointer, and returns a new pointer offset from the
// first by the given amount.
int GP_Pointer(int pointer, int offset) {
    // If arg is a pointer, just add the offset to it.
    if (10000 * (pointer % 1)) {return pointer + offset;}
    // Otherwise, create a new pointer from the array.
    return 0.0001 * pointer + offset;}

// Manipulation

// Return the value that the pointer is pointing at, with the index offset by
// the given number.
int GP_Pointer_Get(int pointer, int offset) {
    // If pointer is actually an array, just return the 0 position of that
    // array.
    int array = 10000 * (pointer % 1);
    if (!array) {return pointer[offset];}
    // Otherwise return the pointer's value. (Array lookup truncates, so we
    // don't need to.)
    return array[pointer + offset];}

// Set the value of a pointer, with the index offset by the given amount.
void GP_Pointer_Set(int pointer, int offset, int value) {
	// If pointer is actually an array, just set the offset position of that array.
	int array = 10000 * (pointer % 1);
	if (!array) {pointer[offset] = value; return;}
	// Otherwise, set the pointer normally. (Array lookup truncates, so we don't
	// need to.)
	array[pointer + offset] = value;}
It works wonderfully. The only problem is it's a tad bit slow.