Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
@DarkDragon I think I will ultimately prefer to use VS2008 though. It runs 10 to 15 times faster than 2015 for me. (CMake, is likewise installed.)

The specs for the replacement laptop are nice though. When I was using MSYS on the old system under WIn 10, it could take anywhere from ten minutes to an hour to compile. Now it takes < 3 minutes. I think most of the problem was Win 10, not the old hardware, but I think that system is dying anyway, and the replacement is two generations newer, so this should go easier.
I just want take a minute to rapehammer Visual Studio (this applies to other modern crap as well). :)

If I want to look at an .h file and double-click it: With ANY VS version > 2010 it takes 2 minutes. With 2010 it takes 20 seconds. With VS 2003 or 2008 it takes < 1 second. (2005 has a few other issues) It's so nice that a text editor has become so omnipotent that it doesn't just open up text files, but also is such amaze with .NET technology that it loads up 100 layers of super important text editing helping dlls and JITs all of them while scanning the entire HD for magic pixie dust because it knows I love to smoke magic pixie dust. So now I've gotten up and made a sandwich and got some magic pixie dust, and I try to scroll down the text file to find out it froze. It must be doing something important because I see it's using up 100% CPU on a single core, so I wait for 20 seconds for it to finish scrolling. Next I create a project and it dumps 500 MB of corrupted SQL database crap into the directory before crashing. Now's where I go do something else. The End. Now someone give me one good reason why I should run out and download VS2017???

Windows 10 is the same; don't bother unless you are running an i7 with a fast SSE drive and have at least 16 GB of decent RAM.

Anyway, @ZoriaRPG here are step by step build instructions for zc now:
1)Download CMAKE
2)Open the CMAKE gui
3)Set the directory of zc/trunk/
4)Click configure
5)Select "UNITY_BUILD" (recommended for fast compile times [4x faster]) and whatever else you want (VS 2008 == vc9 tools, 2015 == vc15 tools)
6)Click generate
7)Open the generated MSVC project files and click build.
8)If there are no errors then you're done!