Hopefully you guys will be able to verify this one... >_>

If you end game during the opening wipe of the first run of a quest, global arrays will never dimension. Particularly noticeable with ghost.zh enemies, which never do anything. But you can't fix it b/c I'm making a quest where you play as missingno and you have to abuse glitches to beat it.


Speaking of ghost.zh, I might have found a bug in that, I'm not sure? There's a line, it's in there twice, which reads:

// Too close to Link
else if(Abs(ComboX(i)-Link->X)<32 && Abs(ComboY(i)-Link->Y))

Shouldn't there be another <32 in there? TBH I have no idea what &&ing an integer actually does. :p
So if that's a bug you should pass it along to whoever wrote it.