Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
I would actually recommend to start with the basics of the basics. Not only will you have no idea what a big game is doing, you also won't know why, or how.

What is the basics? Don't bother with any big libraries (including stl), and just use plain data such as simple structs, arrays, and pointers for everything. You won't have any memory problems if you don't allocate memory for every stupid little thing that shouldn't even of been allocated in the first place. KISS: Keep it simple stupid. Make a simple game, like breakout or asteroids. Once you understand what you are doing then you can do more complicated things and learn design patterns. I can honestly tell you that I've never once ever, ever used a BTree (ie., map),or Doubly-Linked List, in game programming. They are mostly useless. Just take a simple graphics API like SDL or allegro, and make something, anything, using only basic c++. Don't use templates.
Thank you very much for the advice. I tend to take on projects bigger than my skills most of the time, in everything I attempt. This has both had positive and negative results. (However, it usually ends up with my frustrated to the point of taking a hiatus). I'll try to program a couple of your recommendations and move from there.
Thanks again for the Advice,

Chris Miller

This might be of help to you.
Thanks Chris, I'll check this out.

Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane from all this craziness where I am, but @Gleeok is right, basics of basics.

C++ for dummies in the beginning is good enough. I think codeacedemy might help you too. Sometimes craziness makes us (me) forget the struggle we had to go through.
You are doing good, practice, I have serious ADHD and I'm only 23 I just don't know how to put my age on here.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Samer and I totally know how you feel with the ADHD...I am pretty sure I managed to slip through school wearing a good mask to keep from being medicated. In my adult life I have somewhat managed to get a hold on my randomness in tasks and have been learning to prioritize like normal people do. It's not always easy though.
Thanks again for all your patience and help.