It has come to my attention that quests that are considered "Joke Quests" are typically frowned upon in the ZC community. However, the term "Joke Quest" seems to be very vague. A lot of people associate it with a quest that uses jokes, but by that logic, it shouldn't be frowned upon at all. That's why I've decided to come up with my own definitions of "Joke Quest" and "Comedy Quest"

Joke Quest: A quest that intentionally has quest design that is generally frowned upon, for the sake of comedy. (Example: DayDay)

Comedy Quest: A quest that, story wise or gameplay wise, is not very serious. Despite this, the design of the quest remains to be choices that are generally accepted by the ZC community. (Examples: Link's Quest for the Hookshot, Ibuprofen)

These are just basic drafts for these, and I feel the need to discuss what needs changing about these definitions.