You know, a thought just occurred to me. Steam is pretty popular around these parts, we have our own Steam group and everything, what if we set up a thread in the forum to act as a Steam exchange. For instance, I have several coupons in my inventory for games I'll probably never buy, I occasionally get hats in TF2 I don't particularly care for, etc., and I think it'd be kind of handy and community friendly to have a thread where we can post, "Hey, I have this item or whatever that I'm giving away or trading, anyone interested?" For instance, I recently got Brock's Hair for the heavy, that I ended up giving away to some random person on the server I was playing, but thinking about it, I would've rather have given it to someone I know, just so I know it's getting a good home and whatnot. And right now, I have a spy tuxedo that I'd be willing to part with because I never play spy so I think it's a waste, but again, I'd like the chance to share with the community first before just handing it off to some random stranger.

I dunno, maybe the whole idea is more trouble than it's worth, but it seemed like an interesting idea to me.