I have decided to be less secretive about my quest projects, despite their low level of completion. As such, I have a question for the community!

Part of my quest is going to involve segments of "Dark World" in dungeons [If you've played Quest for the Hookshot 2 by Moosh, think about his last dungeon]. The quest is not going to have a moon pearl, and thus will feature ANIMAL POWER just as Twilight Princess did. That is, being in the dark world will give the player a completely different set of tools to utilize. I won't get into the other differences between the worlds now because they are not relevant to the poll.

So here is my question: I have two (mostly complete) sets of 'animal Link' sprites, and I'm trying to decide which one to use. The two are largely incompatible in terms of equipment and thus this decision could very drastically alter the design concepts of these spans of dungeon.

I am leaning in a particular direction and I may defy the poll. Still, I'd like to hear opinions on both options.

Turtle Link
  • FireBreath (Arrow)
  • ArcticBlast (Non-Return Boomerang)
  • ElectroJolt (Flamethrower)
  • Sword (Hammer)
  • Withdraw (Shell attack)

In general I'm ripping off the Bowser dragon vibe to give the guy all sorts of elemental attacks. Since the Light world will be mundane (lacking any form of magic) this will add a nice contrast to the worlds. As such, Dark World dungeon segments would be combat-heavy to accommodate the walking tank.

Raccoon Link
  • DropSword (Bait, only stuns, triggers some secrets)
  • Scent (Lens of Truth)
  • Light (Candle, does no damage)
  • Smoke Bomb (Button-Trigger bomb)
  • Jump (Roc's Feather)

Unlike the Turtle, the Raccoon will be practically helpless when it comes to combat. This could make the dark world sections of dungeons very exhilarating because there is no effective way to clear rooms. Due to the presence of the Lens, they would likely be heavily puzzle-based.

FYI, Link's normal equipment will include: Sword, Spear (Very Short Hookshot), Crossbow (Wand), Iron Chain (Cane of Byrna), and an Active Shield.

Thoughts? Criticisms? Alternatives? Flames?

EDIT: In case you were wondering, I voted other to avoid revealing my bias.