So, a couple of months ago, I woke up one day with my legs feeling absolutely terrible, like I had tried to run a marathon in my sleep or something. What's more, in addition to being in incredible pain, they were incredibly weak - as in, I was repeatedly falling every time I tried to walk. This went on for about a week with me barely being able to go to the store to get groceries (let alone attend my job and all that other important crap one has to do), before my parents finally convinced me to check myself into the ER. I tend to be one of those people who underestimates the seriousness of things, which is why I put it off so long. Anyhow, after various threats, I finally check myself into the hospital, where they run many tests and eventually conclude that I'm suffering from Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which of course I had never even heard of. Basically, your white blood cells attack your nervous system, causing muscle weakness and extreme pain (forgot to mention, I was in a lot of pain this whole time - like imagine doing the most intense workout after not exercising in a long while, and how sore you'd feel the next morning).

Gotta admit, the whole thing was a huge surprise to me. I never have serious medical problems, never need to see the doctor, and suddenly here I am being diagnosed with some incredibly rare disease I had never even heard of before now. Thankfully, I was told the prognosis was good, but recovery did involve months of intense therapy. Given the circumstances, I concluded that I couldn't remain in my apartment alone, so I ended up moving across the country back into my parents' house (something I had desperately tried to avoid for so many years).

The good news is, I'm starting to do much better. I'm doing a lot better at getting around on my own (when I first came down here, I needed a walker, now I hardly touch it). I've still got a ways to go, and there's still tons of physical therapy, but I'm really starting to feel good about my situation. The big question now is what to do with myself once I am feeling 100% again. Thinking about it, it really was kind of a jarring shift in my situation, and now I gotta decide, where am I gonna live, what am I gonna do, etc. It's kinda strange thinking you have everything pretty much settled and then you have to completely throw all of that out. Really, though, I'm just glad I'm starting to feel better. My sister's wedding is in January, and who knows, I might not even need my walker by then (gonna bring it just in case, though).

I'm not sure how to conclude this post - really, just wanted to share it because well, for one, it was so odd and so random to be struck with this in the first place, and two, I just wanted to talk about the progress I've made.