I think it would be interesting if 5th quest had the freedom to change the classic 'lost woods' maze screens. Any screen with four exits at a choke-point on the Overworld should be fair game for a new maze, especially one that breaks the two classic "up, up" and "north, west, south, west" paths.

Two that come to mind are the screens just before the classic entrance to Level 2: 4D and 5D.

Screen 68 is another good choke-point that would work well for a maze. You can navigate around it, but only by braving the beach.

There are a few others spots where modification for the purpose of adding a maze should be allowed. For example, screen 3B (the upper corner of the four-screen desert) would make a good maze choke-point with just some slight layout modification (to fix walkability problems from wraparound).

Wouldn't it be fun to tack two mazes right next to each other? Maybe the whole desert is a maze, one you have to piece together from hints scattered in the dungeons.