Here's one:

What if someone you know borrows your game for a day, pays the "used game fee" and installs it, then returns it back to you?

It seems like Microsoft is trying to eliminate physical copies of games on a system that will run mostly physical copies of games.

Quote Originally Posted by Zim View Post
So I'm browsing things with my laptop on the internet, and I see this thread. I check it out, and it reminds me of a system I saw back in 2000 or so about the "Infinti" - which was an automobile company I think - game console. It reminded me of that because of the 'must be online' feature that the infiniti console bolstered. It was 'high end.' Only richer people could buy one, because it was like $700 plus to start, and then monthly dues and whatnot, needless to say I never actually came across one ever, not sure if they even hit production, because I didn't even see one for sale..
Although I do remember something about Florida.. Like they were going to sell mainly in the southeast US was the deal or something.. (as far away from MS corp as possible)

Anyway, I'm searching browsers, and this wouldn't be the first incident of this type in my life, I type in something, even something completely random, and an ad-lib site comes up that is a word-around with /U Your Idea Here /U in the midst of a prefabricated article all about your new idea being the biggest thing on the internet. I ranted about this already here at AGN, but the U.S.P.T.O. office states that by US law, the ORIGINATOR of the idea holds all rights and patents, trademarks, and copyrights to any utility or material good they made first, with or without a registration..

Anyway, after reading the X-box 1 article I type that in, and these articles are not directing me, nor could google produce front-page search results for the Infiniti game console, like it never existed, but is claiming that XBox is going to be named XBox Infinity. That's alright either way even if they didn't just steal another genius idea.. Except for that this time they're not even stealing my idea.. It was someone else's.

Edit: upon consideration of the facts, I would've actually recommended to the board that the system be dubbed the "XBox -2." I would've went with "-1" but I like to think that people should, if they must become immersed in video game land, never to return, due to stunning visual graphics that rival even the sweetest scents of the cherry blooms in the orchards next to the waterfalls, that they should at least depart from the rest of us in pairs.
Dood.. we love you random-guy, but please, please insert some extra new lines in your posts. We just got a new shipment of them in so we are not going to run out any time soon!