Which I will hereafter refer to as X1 for the duration of this thread.

So now that the reveal has happened what are your thoughts. Personally I thought it was interesting, the voice commands seem nice and being able to do multitasking is pretty good.
However I'm not entirely convinced on getting this console, for several reasons. Some of these were mentioned in the show itself, while others have come to light from youtube channels
reporting about questions MS answered after the show (screwattack, escapist magazine, etc) such as: no backwards compatability with ANYTHING on 360 (this includes hard discs AND XL Arcade), pre-owned games require an additional fee as does lending your game to a friend, no DRM however you need the net to register your game to your account (which is then downloaded to the X1's HD).

I see this console destroying the used game/rental markets. You can't rent a game because of the registration process and if you decide to buy a used game you have to pay a additional fee just to play it.
The same goes for anybody who buys your used games from you. Or if you just LEND them to a friend who is interested in the game, but wants to try before they buy.

While there is no DRM, there is the need to have an active internet connection to register your new game to your account, which might as well be called DRM really You also can;t use most of the features without a internet connection (skype, internet, etc).

There are some things that still aren't confirmed about the X1 (price, the pre-owned/used game registration fee, etc) and while the games and all that look great, I'm not sold on the pretty visuals and all that alone.

Anyways, sorry if I went into rant mode or anything. Discuss or ignore this thread at your leisure.