Recently I've been doing some research which provided me with results that certainly effect us, and can explain why the AGN revival is so difficult.

It's unfortunate, and pains me to admit that some theories I've been having are correct.

These are the problems that AGN faces in it's need for a revival I pulled from very real statistics that people are searching for on google. I have images as proof, but not interested in uploading them at this time. So here's the run down:

- AGN and have been struggling, but ever working hard.
- Even with Zeldaclassic 2.5, little has changed. Nothing dramatic.
- PureZC is more alive than here, but not attracting many new fans either. They're mostly originals.
- Despite the new updates, Zeldaclassic's popularity is on a constant decline.
- But so is it's competition, the demand for Zelda fan games is continually declining.
- The Legend of Zelda franchise itself is also on a decline.
- The need for fan games is still very high, just not Zelda.

Bottom line, The legend of Zelda franchise, despite what it used to be is slowly transforming into a cult franchise where only the most dedicated of fans will remain interested. There is no denying it either. When compared to Mario, Zelda is actually much much of a lesser franchise, so what does that make us?

I know I will receive negative feedback for that appraisal of our series, but these are facts based on actual real life trends that Google has been following over the past 10 years.

In order for this quest creator to survive in the long haul, it needs to evolve the Zeldaclassic engine and actually let Zelda stick in the past. It needs to let Zeldaclassic stop here at 2.5 or 3.0.

Than it should by rights evolve, as in be given a new name that is non-Zelda.

Anyways, I'm really tired right now, I can't coherently continue this message right now, so I'll elaborate further tomorrow.