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Thread: Plot Discussion: Tell us (and comment) about the games you're planning for ZC

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Plot Discussion: Tell us (and comment) about the games you're planning for ZC

    Unlike the other thread, this is more a topic for discussing those grandiose quests we all tell ourselves we want to make, but never get around to starting/finishing. I suppose it could also be an excitement builder for the upcoming release of 2.5 edition. Talk about the ZC games you always dreamed about, or comment about the ones that are mentioned here (using a quote or @user to clearly identify which you are discussing). You can also use this thread to discuss mechanics you wish you could script.

    I'll start:

    Eclipsing Reason, a Hyrule Story
    We come to the small village of Spectacle Rock, on the outskirts of the nation proper and with seemingly little to offer the world in terms of, well, anything. There's a blacksmith here, as well as a half-dozen farming families who tear out a living terracing the jagged rocks, and a general store. Not what you'd call a vacation destination.

    But King Ganondorf of Hyrule has relocated his army here, and even built a fortress on the peaks above the town, for no clear reason. Wild rumors spread that he is searching for an ancient treasure hidden beneath the village, and that the keys to that treasure are hidden in the surrounding wilderness.

    Meanwhile, a one-eyed witch named Zelda has taken up residence in the forest below. While the villagers are not brave enough to venture near her shack, strange smokes rise from the chimney as she brews malevolent things. Her purpose in the region is also unknown, but suspected to be the same as that of the king.

    Between all of this is a meek young man named Link--a resident of Spectacle Rock and a very odd one at that. He makes his living digging up old relics from around the village and selling them to an archaeologist. The latest he's discovered, a rusty old sword that is split down the blade, he's decided to keep for protection. But there's something strangely noble about this broken tool of war. And it has put him on the radar of both the witch and the king.

    So what is the story of the sword? And what, exactly, do the king and the witch seek from this so-removed locale?
    It was my intention that this would be an entirely side-scrolling game in the vein of Metroid, with six dungeon-esque regions in the vicinity of a central local (Spectacle Rock). The player would have to visit each region repeatedly in order to obtain more tools necessary to explore the other regions.
    In addition, I wanted to combine the mechanics of two exceptional side-scrolling games, Abuse and LittleBigPlanet. Abuse had a mouse-look feature that independently controlled the upper half of the protagonist's body, controlling the aim of all his equipment. LittleBigPlanet has its excellent "three lane" pseudo three-dimensional mechanic, where the protagonist needs to navigate forward and backward to evade obstacles and enemies. I was somewhat close to figuring out a script workaround for the latter, but my available time to research it waned and I was unable to produce anything worth repeating.

    What are your plans for ZC?
    Last edited by CJC; 12-19-2012 at 07:55 PM.

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.